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The Great Syndicate Sale Continues!

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FÜR SALE C f j{FljR SALE SATURDAY AND MONDAY, X jL fl y .ff } SATURDAY ANO MONOAY, OCT. 13 and 15. f tS g CAr ' OCT13and15' . ♦ AUOTHER UHK IU THE GEEAT CHAIÏÏ OF UITMATCHABLE BAHGAINS. Replete with values of incredible magnitude of wonderful low selling and remarkable cheap buying, that have won golden opinions from thousands of wide awake customers who came to us in response to our announcement two weeks ago. We told you then we would inaugúrate a sale unlike anything known heretofore. The crowds in our establishment last week testified to the manner in which we carried our intentions. We have combined fine goods with low prices, revolutionized trade in favor of the consumer and have made the Big Store the talk of the county. The good work goes on.- We intend to keep it up the entire season.- We must keep it up to dispose of our enormous purchases, which, now that they are all received far exceeds our calculations. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND FURS Are here in enormous quantities,- unlike anything heretofore seen. It positively frightens us to contémplate the extent of our buying. DRESS GOODS SALE, EXTRAORDINARY In the great üress Goods Department - in our unique Dress Goods Stock - where more new, íoreign, exclusive Dress Goods ideas prevail than in all other Dress Goods stocks combined. - where fashion centers, and bargain eenters, are most radiantly where whatever is particularly new and novel in stylè and rare in vahie finds finds freest representation. - Were it not you would not always see the largest crowds of shrewd buyers at these counters. It is here our greatest eíforts will be made. NeW Fall press Fabrics winter No three Dress Goods Stocks in the county can show as extensive and as exclusive a váriety of Scotcn, English, Frencli and Germán Novelties as "The Store" lias on exhibit now, all the result of our great Syndicate purchasing at prices lower than they will ever reach under the new tariff law and consequently lower than possible for any other concern to reach. OlOrni OCrgCDt is nowhere better exemplified than where these goods are found. We place on sale 50 pieces 50-inch, soft, fine, thick Storm Serge, in blue and black you would unhesitatingly pay 75c or 85c for if we asked ir, at 5Oc. 20 pieces 54 inch Storm Serge in all shades of blue and black; a great $1.00 value, at 75c. 25 pieces 56-inch very finest quality Storm Serge made; was intendecl for $1.50 sellers, at 05c. We Cali Especial Attention to these Three Bargains! TTj-_11ww 1wahm 1?AVmAfl 50-inch tailor-made SuitïiOVelty DrGS&JíaDriCS. ing8_Jacquered Glace - Bonrette T r a v ers - Carneo Dentells- Changeable Suitings- Illuniinated French Cheviots, Brocatelle Suitings, silk finish, the most desirable materials of the season- actual value, $1.50 to $3.00 a yard- Syndicate price, f l.OO. 2,500 yards Foreign Fabrics, embracing a vast variety of stylish weaves, including 54-inch fancy mixtures; the 4-inch wide Novelty Cheviot and Basket Weaves, Homespuus, Silk and Wool mixtures - Chevran's tailor-made Suitings, swell effects in Scotch Cheviots, etc., Every piece bearing a value of $1.25 to $1.50 a yard. Syndicate price, 75c ____ ■fkT -i a 54 inch Fancy Mixtures, 54 JN O V 61 vjr inch plain mixtures, 44 inch "rv.i TT'rtl-k-wírtc Silk and Wo01 mixtures, 42 JLrGSS raUIllö. inch Cbevrons, 42 inch. Broqás ded Fancies, Scotch Cheviots, Fancy Chevrons, and hundreds of other new weaves - all imported - are being sold for less than' domestic goods elswhere. Worth 75c to $1.00. Syndicate price, 49c. Ir 1.__ If we should print how many JN OVGlXy yards of Dress Goods we have Tl-öoLs TFo Tvnï na sold in The Big tore at 39c a JL1 COö J. CbfJx J.vyO yard, you would not credit our statement. We place on our 39c counter toinorrow a new fresh stock, over 3,000 yards imported fabrics, bought in the great Syndicate purchase, not one of which is worth less than 75c. Get your choice of them while they last at 39c. ABig Special Job. 3%40; imported manufacture, for whichyou have paid 75c to $1.00, all goes at 29c. O Cj 15 pieces American Novelty Dress Geods, an exact reöOCi production of high priced Foreign Fabrics ; someget 50c, others get 45c for them. We give you the lot at 35c. T31 r "ïi-k 'ncn we aUw0l Imported Serge, in all the JL lcLlH staple colors, Green, Tan, Scarlet, Oxblood, Wine, Q Q Rose, etc., never been less than 50c a yard. SynO6rguS( dicate prices make them, 33:';c "Dl e% ivi "1C weï all-wool Impêrted HenJT Ictlll riettas, the Blues, Reds, Tan, Browns, XX .a. _ G reens, etc, have always carried a 50c JljLQIIX 1G LXclO. valne, now selling at 33c. "PI oi 46-inch wide, all-wool Imported Serge, in all the Jl JLcLlXl usual staple colors, together with many new siiades Ö7r"ö. cate price, 39c. "Dl O "ITl 46-inch wide, all-wool Imported Serge, the Reds, JT 12x111 Blues, Browns, Tan, Greens, etc, goods that have Qavirrac a standing value of S5c' and today cannot be DcFgub. bought for less than 75c. Out by the Syndicate purchase to 49c. A . 38 inch all-wool Ladies' cloth 29c. JWi á%Jj 38 inch all-wool Tricots 29c. 38 inch all-wool Cheviots, all colors value 50c, selling for 29c. Frederick Arnold's Henriettas. Great Reductions in those finest of Dress Fabrics. They are Satin finsh, and sell the world over for 85c 1,500 yards all colors received to sell for 55c. 40-inch all-wool Novelty Dress Goods sold for 39c, cut to 22c. CREATEST SILK OPPORTUNITY sets a - - - - -- SALE OP RICE BLACK AND FA1TCY SILKS. a rjeW Era ,j Nowhere in the country is there sucli a vast variety and comprehensive nml elegant assortment of new 1894 fall and winter silks and as a consequence nowhere are the interests of ladies so well served " as at The Store and nowhere in the state can silk be sold at snch low prices. Prices; 5 pieces black and colored Gros de Landes - the new silk weave for 1894 fall, selling at $1.00. 5 pieces black Armure antique, another new design in silks, $1.0O Black Moire Polka, another new silk effect, is neat and stylish, at $1.OO Goods 50 pieces figured Tatfeta in black and colors, bought at a great loss to manufacturero, the regular L1.00 valué, the syndicate pnrchase make the price 75c. ' 10 pieces Satin Duchess in colors only, the $1 quality, bought at 50 per cent. less than mannfaeturer's cost, selling at 45c. H Press 25 pieces 24-inch Colored Surah, close tine weave, strictly 50c values, selling at 23c. Goods 24-inch Black Peau de Soie, Natching & (Jutters goods, warranted, have been $1.50, now $1.00 M ethotls 22-inch doublé warp surah, black and colors, selling at 49c. 24-inch doublé warp black Surah, the usual $1.25 quality, selling at 75c. 24-inch black Gros Grain, the Natchaug silk, warranted, $1 value, selling at 75c. Peto re 24-inch black Satin Cntters, goods guaranteed $1.50 valne, selling at $1.00. ' ere 22-inch Heavy Black Faille, instead of 1.25, the usual price, sellingrnow at 85c. Press Armares Bengalines Moires, black and colored figured Taffetas, fish scale ehangeables. all ent by our Goods &reat P'-chaseset at . ' SUch SHADF.S. Lom 25 pieces John D. Cutter's Exquisite eft'ects in evening shade. PJain and fancy stripes, changeable. Gros Graine, Doublefaced Satines, all of them new fall designs and mannfactured to sell at $2.00 ■r to f3.50 a yard, bought at half their value, are in this sale at $1.00. Before j hada IBX-i-ÜlOJK. DRBS8 GrOOÖS. Dl6SS The Great Popularity of Black I)ress Goods this fall inakes this a mncb souíjht after department IX O O (IS More than that, Ladies who have examined our Black Dress Goods have been gratified as never before, öale while onr prices are a most agreeable surprise to all. As a special, we will place on sale 15 pieces OUCIl plain Black Serge, 46 inches, never shown less than 75 and 85c, and which cannot be duplicated toa SllCCeSS sell again. We make the price, 50c. aS tllis 15 pieces Black Storm Serge, 50 inches wide, will match it against any 75c or 85c Storm . -i Serge in the county. We place on sale at 4!)c. 10 pieces Black Imperial Serge has sold for $1.00, placed onsale for 75c. lflere 15 pjeces Black Imperial Serg% the dollar kind, on sale at 75c. IS HO 40 pieces 46 inch all-wool Imported Black Serge you have never bought for less than 65c, on sale Talk of at 39c' Hioli pieces 40 inch all-wool Imported Storm Serge has been good50c bargain, on sale at lili ,c. n Uuequalled in quality and value is a special number in fine Black Serge, 50 inches wide, we have JrriCeS now on gaie -e want every lady in search of a lovely black material to see them. We have only NOW. io pieces left. We are selling at $1.00, not to be duplicated at $1.50. Grand Opening Sale of Furs October 13thand 15th. John Ruszits Fur Co's. Bntire Line on sale in our cloak room those 2 days.


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