Sawyer And Rich
An audience, estimated by a "prohibitionist" who was intoxicated, at 600 to 1,000, but which numbered by actual count 371, assembled at the rink, Tuesday evening, and listened to an able speech on a disabled theory, by Hon. A. J. Sawyer, of this city. Gov. Rich was also present, and talked long but not logically in sophomore, previously-committed style. He reechoed the customary protection arguments which for their falsity and oft repeated and "damnable tion" long ago lost their force on the minds of thinkers. Voters see that the country is not ruined by the Wilson tariff; that wool did not decline as predicted; that factories are starting into business all over the country; that ènancesare growing easier and the country recovering from the effect of republicanism, and will vote accordingly.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News