Very Proper Indeed
The intention of the University faculty is to inaugúrate vesper services, to be participated in by all departments of the University, as soon as the machinery of the great Columbian. organ is in position, which will be some time in November. The vesper service will take the place of the chapel exercises, which, on account of the change in the hours of recitation, have been discontinued. These vespers will be held on two afternoons of each week, assisted by a chorus of half a hundred or more voices. Hereto:ore the chapel exercises have been participated in mainly by the literary department, while at the same time it was perfectly apparent that the laws and medies were the classes most in need of the Christianizing influences of the sanctuary. Too many vespers cannot be poured into the hearts of those who go forth from the University commissioned by the faculty to "watch and prey." The great organ will be under the admirable management of Professor Stanley.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News