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The Muscular Mass Meeting

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■ A large auciience crowded into the !aw lecture room, Friday evening, :o attend the athletic meeting. Much enthusiasm prevailed and athetics will stand on both legs this season. President Condón read a letter Tom Ralph Stone reciting the work of the association, of which Mr. Stone was one of the founders ; and although his was the heart of Stone, t was yet not a heart of stone, as he nclosed $5 in the letter toward inecting financial life into the footjall fund. Dean Knowlton made an urgent plea in favor of purity in athletics, and hoped to see the element of scholarship considered in the selection of athletic teams. Dr. Nancrede, in a felicitous speech, announced thatmembers of the faculty had subscribed money for the establishment of a prize fund, the prize to be awarded for general excellence in athletics. Dr. Lombard followed with an appeal for gentlemanly conduct in the field. Prof. Rolfe also made remarks. Manager Chas. Baird and Coach McConly cheered on the spirit of enthusiasm with remarks that sent the incandescence of ambition to a white heat, and lemarks were made by others. Editor Brown made a brief speech worth $10 in cash, and other subscriptions followed, several hundred dollars being raised. A considerable numberof membership tickets were also sold by the directors of the athletic association, and the meeting adjourned with a feeling that the financial legs of the association were pretty "cordy" for so early in the season.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News