High School Notes
The teachers' monthly meeting was held Monday afternoon. The nuraber enrolled in the High School is 584, an increase of 58 over the corresponding time last year. The foot-ball team leave Friday afternoon for Orchard Lake, where they will play the M. M. A., Saturday. At a meeting of the junior class, Tuesday, P. W. Corbusier was chosen foot-ball captain, and I. M. Duffy base-ball captain. Mrs. T. C. Trueblood's class ia elocution will produce Helen Hunt Jackson's "Ramona," in High School hall, Friday evening, October 19. Admission five cents. Special arrangements for High School students have been made by the school board, for the use of McMillan gymnasium. Two classes will be organized, in a few days. Those desiring tickets can obtain them at the gymnasium. Fee for the year, Í3.00. Resolved, that the late civil disorders were unconstitutional and entirely uncalled for, was the subect debated by Lyceum No. i, Friday night. The affirmative won the debate, and was led by Fox and Wood. The-negative was supported by Caldwell and Cheever. The folowing officers were chosen for the month of October: John Fox, presdént; Harmon Boice, vice-president; Fred McNaughton, secretary; Fenton Gilbert. treasurer. The foot-ball team met the M. A. C. team at Lansing, Saturday, and defeated them by a score of 46 to o. Nine touchdowns and five goals were made. Duffy, Neal, Anderson and Jones did best playing for our team. Sunday's Free Press stated that no less than eight U. of M. men played in the High School team, and that several voted at the last presidential election. This is untrue. Every player in our team is attending the High School, and none are over twenty years old, several being less than eighteen, and one only fifteen.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News