Malarial Poison
33 u Results from atmospheriu conditions, K .jj . unclean premtses, imperfect vcntilation S . ú and more frequently from tlie deadly 2 3 SEWER GAS. A general rundown and ï . 2 impovurished condition of the blood L . JU sues, andif not corrected, Catarrh, Bron! 3 chitis, and even Consumption may be thi' ■ ■ result S. S S. promptly corrects all 2. ÍI theso evil effects. 2 , jl Mr. J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan , writfs: & For three years I was troubled with 5 íg laria, which cuused iny apietite to fail S M and I was so reduced in flesh, that S 3 life lost its charms. I tried mercurial S g andnotashremedies.butcouldgetnorelief ï g I then deeided to try . - - - - --. Sí y A few bottlcs of t'nis IHTJwh2HI1 j wonderful medicine lIjotBWTiHI S 3 made a complete and KE?Í 3 permanent cure, and Ifbw;W " "Jgl s 3 I now enjoy better health than ever. Our Trentle on Blood and Skin Dlseases S H malled f ree to any address. L SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AUanta, Ga,
Ann Arbor Argus
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