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The cast of characters in the play enUlied "Gyp, the Heiress; or the Deacl Witness," were well chosen, and the lines finely rendered for amateurs. The troupe will put the play on the boards at the Saline opera house, Fri(iay evening, Oct. 12. Miss Rhienhart spent Sunday with Saline friends. The Eastern Star ladies met at Mis. M. Barnes' Monday evening, the Sth, to make arrangements for the " Deestict Skule," and chobse the cast of characters. Mis. and Mrs. J. Gurnp and family have returned trom their eastern tour. The W. C. T. U. ladies held a very interesting gospel teinperance union service at the M. E. church, Monday evening. The program was fine and well rendered. Such meetings cannot lielp but make good irnpressions. Mrs. E. Pile has returned f rom her Niágara trip. Miss Mable Frew, of New York, delivered au interesting and nistructive lecture to the ladies at the G. A. R. hall, Friday p. m. Her subject was : ' What Should a YVoman Know V What Should a Woman Do V" Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Day entertained guests from Nora over Sunday. Fall moving has arriyed. It always makes its appearanee in the autumn, when the leaves are moving from the trees to the lap of mother earth. But we will not discourse at great length on this progressive subject, as you know how it is yourself . Owing to the inclemency of the weather the base ball tournament was not as well attended as it would otherwise have been, had the weather been propitious. Mrs. McKenzie has moved into Mr. Ira Hitchcock's house, on Marvin street. Mr. Anderson and family have moved into rooms back of the tonsorial parlors occupied by Mr. Anderson, on W. Min street. Mrs. Fitch Allen is in Detroit, visiting friends. Mrs. Quiiis and daughterentertained guests trom out of town last week. Mr. A. Rogéis and wife, from Scio, visited relatives near Milan last week. Editor A. B. Smith visited Toledo, Monday. Mrs. Alice Hitchcock has returned from her Detroit visit. Mrs. C. Chapin, worthy matron of the O. E. S. Chapter 106, left tor Grand Rapids, Tuesday, as delégate to the Grand Chapter of the O. E. S. that convenes at Grand Rapids üct. 10. We wish to inform the Argus mau that the "Dead Witness" in the play the other eveniug was a "female wo man," the opposite sex to the one that he referred to last week. Please stand corrected. Rev. J. VVard Stone was called to Tectitnseh, Friday, to preach the funeral sermón of Rev. J. O. Heek, a tonner pastor of the Milan Baptist church. Mr. Heek leaves a large circle of friends in Milan who mourn his loss. Dr. and Mrs. Chapin entertained guests the last of the week from Grand Rapids and Petoskey. Mr. Sutherland, of Lodi, called on Milan friends, Sunday. Mrs. Rosco Allen is on the sick list. Mr. Debenham and family have moved into Milton Ilitchcock's house on First street Mrs. Van Buren is home from Detroit for a few days. Mrs. Farmer, of Toledo, O., spent Wednesday with Milan friends. Dale Hitchcock, infant sou of Milton Ilitchcock, died October lst. The funeral services were conducted dy Rev. J. Ward Stone, at D. Ilitchcock's residence on First street, Wednesday afternoon.


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