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" Why Is He So Irritable'!" Tliis question is oftert heard and neaily as often unanswered. It is nut always remembered, as it should be, that the occasion of illtemper and irritability is often to be fouml in the physical condition of the persons affeeted. What is the use of trying to "harmonize'' a man whose liver lias gone back on himV If a man is tortured vvith rheumatism, how can i lie be expected to be affable nnd ' able? Can a conflrmed dyspeptic be expected to be cheerful and always ready to teil a funny story? The only way to remove the difficulty is to get at tlie cause. Dyspepsia, rheumatisni, 1 imDure blood and liver troubles yield I to Hood's Sarsaparilla; this is why it is an effective tranquilizer, a peaeeful messenger, and a preventive of domestic quarrels. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache, Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation. Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. ïryitonce. Large bottles only 50 cents at Eberbacu Drug & Chemical Co., Aun Arbor. and Geo. J. Ilaussler's drugstore, Manchester. Notice of Meeting of the Board of Review of Lateral Sewer, District Number One: City Clehk's Office, i City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, f Kvtice ís hereljy (fiven, That, ivheteas the City Assessor has duly certiöed to the Commoñ Council of this city the assessmem roll of all the owners and oeeupants of the land contained witlun Special Assesment District Number One, and of all the lands sitúate therein, wel! md sufticientiy described, together with his estímate .and deterruination of the value of each parcel thereof, as required by the ordinance of the city of Ami Arbor: Therefore, it is ordered by the said Common Council, tbat the Hfteenth day of October, A. D. 1894, at 10 o'olock a. m., of snid day, be fixed and appointed as the time, and the Council Chamber of the said city of Ann Arbor as the place, where the said Oonirnon Counsli of the i-ity of Ann Arbor will git aa a Board of heview, to review the said Assessinent oll. Notice of this meeting is hereby giren to all persons Intereated In the sanio. By order of the Comaion Council of the City Oi Ann Arbor Dated this first fliiy of October, A. D. 18'.'4. W. J. MILLER, City Clerk. XOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF RETIEW OF LATERAL SEWER, DISTRICT KUMBEtt TWO. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, I CITY OK ANX AUBOR, ) Notiee is hereby given. That, whereas the City Assessor has dnlycertlfled totheOommou Couucil of this eity the assessment roll of all the owuers and oceupants of the laud oontaiiieci witbju Special Assessment District Nuinber Two, and all of the lands sitúate tberelu, well nnd sufrïeieutly described. together with his estímate aud uetermination of the value of each parcel required by the Ordinauee of the City of Aan Arbor: Therefore, It is ordered by the said Co'inmon Couucil, that the fifteenth day oí Oetober. A. D., 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, be fixed uid appoinied as the time. and the Couucil Cbamber of the said City of Aan Arbor the place where the said ('oinmoii Council of the City of Aun Abor wíll sit, as a Board of Review to review the said Assessmeut Koll. Notiee of Ihis meeting is hereby giveu to all persons interested in the same By order of the i.ommon Council of the Citv of Aun Arbor. W. J. JIILLER. ' City Clerk. Dated this lst day ol' Oetober, A. D.. lSai. Dr. Prlce's Cream Baking Powder Worid's Fair Highest Award. Because ït is so Pure That's the great reason why you should know about our salt. It requlres the best to produce the best. The good farmer realizes this with bis seed; shall the butler maker be less wise? Our Balt is as carefully made as your buttor- made expressly for dalry work; and bright dairymen everywhere flnd their tutter better made and their labor better paid when they ase Diamond Crystal Dairy Salt. No matter wbat brand you havo used, just glve this a fair trial. It is first in flavor, first in grain, and Mf first in purity. Whether for dairy ÊfW or table use, you vrlll flnd It to ■ your advantage to be acquainted Cf With the salt that's all aalt. IT DIAMOND CRYSTAL SsSl,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News