Dexter Township
Geo. Bell was at the countyaeaton Mondaj . Everybody is Luvit'ed to ntteud the meeting at "the Bnkett school house n SiUunktv even ing, Oct. ]3. T. D. Kearney and Tboa. A. Boglu. of Ann Ai hor, will addi'ess the oeopie on the politica] issues of the dayJolin Scliieferstein visited his mother in Chelsea lust Öabbath. Ilenry Spiegel beier and family, of Whituiore Lake. -ppnt Saturday and Sunday witfa liis brother Geoige and am ily. Chas Chatnberlain expects to sail front New Vork tor Paris, France, Oct. 17, on the steamer City of Paris, to continue lus art studies. Mrs. S. Hoyt is liaving her house repainted. The lariies of St James' church held an ifternoon tea at the home of Mrs. F. Warner, Thursday. Vill Rosier 13 home from his visit in Plymouth. Thoj. liirkett was in l'etoskey on business, last week. C. S. Pierce has returned home from Mackinaw. Mr. Scadin and vvife have gone to Clay Sprirjgs, FlaMrs. H. Sedwick and Miss Thompson have left for a six weeks' stay with relatives in Massachusetts and Connectieut, Born to Ilr. and Mrs. E. Jedele, October 3, a daughter. Arthur Gollins has moved into Mrs. Raywalt's house on B street. Sam. Davis and wife are back from their visit at Ypsilanti and Stony Creek. Miss Fagan, of Greenfield, is here nsiting friends. Jacob Jedele has so far recovered from his recent accident as to be able to be about on crutches. ..Hon. Thos. E. Barkworth, of Jacksoii. addressed a f uil house in this village, Wednesday evening. Tliomas Fagen and Minnie Gulick have entered our school. Met. Guinon. of Detroit, sliook hands witli old friends, Saturday. Mrs. Neeb has been visiting her son in Detroit. George Vinkle is now at work tor the Chelsea Stove Company. H. M. Hayes and wife are home from Williamston. Mrs. Wm. Stevens, of Ann Arbor, is spending the week with friends. George Sigler and family, of Pinckney, spent the Sabbath with William Curlett and family. George Frenen was entertained by friends uear Portage Lake over Sünday. John Gregory and friend attended the meeting in Aun Arbor last Saturday evening. Mr. Meade has gone to the Soldiers' Home at Graud Radids. E. H. Carpenter spent the Sabbath with his brothers and sister near Hudson. Agur Taylor and wife visited George Taylor nd family at Lima Center last Sunday. Business called Kais Wheeler to Webster, Saturday. Mrs. Andiew Straith and daughter visited her sister in Webster, recently. Miss Delia Allen, of Pinckney, was here the past few weeks with friends. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church, mer with Mrs. Martin, Wednesdav. Mrs. Owen McCIain and baby were iti Ann Arbor the flist of the week. Ed E ves and family have been visiting relatives in Wayne. Mrs. Wm. Cobb and friend were Ann Arbor visitors Monday. Chris Brogan and wife, of Marión, called on her sister Monday last. T. McComb and wife entertained friends, Sunday. Mr. Quish and wife spent Monday in Ann Arbor. Miss C. Carpen'ter was in Pinckney, Monday. Frank Irvvin is soon to enter the Normal school in Ypsilanti. John Shehan and wife, of Hamburg, and Miss Kate McCabe, of Hudson, spent Saturday and Sunday in Ypsilanti. Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Allen, of Pinckney, were guests of Mrs. Patrick Lavey, Monday and Tuesday. Miss Mate Sharpey and friend were Hamburg visitors last Tuesday, Everyone attended the fair at Chelsea this week, and had a big time. John P.dd and wife spent last week with their many friends in Stockbridge, and attended the fair. Hugh McCabe and daughter, Mary, spent Suuday at Whitiuore Lake. Edward Campbell and wife spent several riays of this week in Dixboro and Ann Arbor. Steve Ci'Hiie and family have moved into the White cottage, at Pcrtage Lake. John Harria and wife. Tíenry Harria and wift attended the funeral of their relatiye, .John Harris, last Monday morning. John Ilarris died at lus home in this yillage Saturday morning, after a long illness. The funeral took place from St. Joseph's church, Monday morning. John Foran sold his farming tools and household goods at public auction, Wednesday. Mr. Foran and wife start Saturday for Chicago, where he has accepted a position on the railroad. They have a ho8t of fnends who are sorry to lose them from their circle.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News