Severa] Webster people attendedtbe Brijrhton fair last week. N. R. Lowe is finishing off some very hftndsonie photographs for Rev. Samuel Jennings and wife, of Ruby. He is improving with evei y picture. His genius and iikinjj for the tine arts will place hiin in the raak of first-class artists. Henry Wilson had bis cow stolen from liiĆ³ barn, Monday night. as he had only the one, it is a serious loss. Geore W. Merrill, who has been examiniug peach trees for yellows, and plums for black knot, reports the trees in good condition in this vicinity, but very few being affected. L. Green, of Xorth Main street, Aun Arbor. is visiting his mother and o ld home for a few days.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News