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Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV OF ashtenaw - ss. In tbe matter of tlie estáte of Lucinda DePuy, deceased. Notice i.s hereby si ven, that in pursuanee oí an order Kranted to the undersn?ned, administrator of the estáte of said deeeased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of washtenaw, on the lltli day of September A. D. 1894, there will be sold at public vendue to the htfrhesr bidder, at the East front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County oi Washtenaw, in said Btate, on Tuesday the tliirrieth CJOth) day of Oerober A.D ISSH. at ten o'clock in the t'oronoon f that day (subject to all encumbrances ly mortira'e er otherwise ex stinï at the time of the deathof said deceasedi the following described real estáte, to-wit: Lol Qti'iiber eleven dli in block two (2) north of Huron srreet and raujre i'ourteeu (Ui cast In tlie eastern addition to the villaje iiow eityi of Aun Arbor. Michigan, aceordinsr to the recorded plat thereof . Dated September llth. 1894. WJI, K. OHILD81 Administra tor. Estáte of Elizabeth McGuinness. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Ataaeasion of the Probate Court f..r the countr of V ashtonaw, holden at tht Prohate 'JtHee, in the ciiy ot A uu Arbor. nu Siiturday, the l.jth lav of Sepu-rnber, in the yea onpthonsani) eisrht hundred and ninetyfour. Preaent. J. Willard liahbitt. .ludiré of Pn.bate In the mit.ter of tne estttte of Elizabeih McGuinnefis, decpased. , ThoiuasMcGuinncsi, the dministrator of said eatste. comexiiro court an'i represents that he is now prepsred tu render hia tinal account as sucb adimnistra-or. Thereupon it i ordered, that Tuesday, th 16th day of Octohet neit, at ten o'dock in the forenoon, be aesiued tor exatnininst and allowing such account, and that thehrirs at aw of aaid decea-ed, and all otber persoim intercated in stiid estafe, are rfquired to appear ut a session ofsaid court, thento behol enatthe Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. iri said eounty and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should nut he allowed: And it ts fnrther ordered, tbaisaidadininist.r.torsi'eiioticetotheper■ons interest ed in said esta u-,oi thepr-ndenoyof saio account, .ittd ihe heanug thereot bvcausinga copy of tliis order tu be published In the Ann Akuor Argus.h newsoapur urintt-d auii ciroulated in said county, tliree uccesive weeks previous to aaid day of heariiii;. J. WIT.I.AP.O BABBITT, IA :Tn-iapji -fiidgeot Probate Wili.iam ö. DOTVi Prooate Keifister. Estáte of Joseph Shaw. QTATEOF MICHIOABT, COCNTY O ot' Wanhteiiaw , ss. t a sesöion of ih' frobati Court for tbe Ciunty of Wnshlauaw , ho'.dtu attbt Prohxte Office, ín tbe Citv of Ann Arbor nv Thursday, the Cth day of Sepumber, in tli? year Olie thousand eiijht hnndred 'and ninty four Present, J. Willard Hnbhilt, Judgeot Probate In the matter of the eatate of Joseph Shaw, deceased. On readia ;indfllinsr thn petition, duly verified, E. Albertine Melntyre praying that, the court a judicate aud dtrU-riuiPc vho ure and were at tho timeof Lisdecease the legal heirs of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesdaj", the I6th day of t ctoixri ne.xt ;it ten o'clock 'm tht forenoon. be ü3iErtie.l tor the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said decenSftd, and all other persons interesteil iu (aid eatate arn required to appear at a sesion of wi ; i-ouri, tbeu to b hoMiii at He Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, and sh'- oHiise, it any there be. why tbe prayer of the petitioner sbouid not be.rantei. Andit i-i further ordered. that said petitiouer ïive uotice lo the persona interetiied :!i said of the peudency of said petition and tbe hearing there f. uv fífmfting h copy of this order to e publiiihed i:i 'he -ijoit Akgls, a newspnper priuted mid -irculated iu said county, thrv sttccesvirc pr?vious to jiil iiay of hearing. J W1LLAÜD H. UB ITT. [A 'joeeopy,] .Indueof Probate. Wm. ij. Dotï. Keüiii.r LiOUIS ROHDE, Leliigli Vstlley Coal. $( 50 per ton. Beech and Maple Blqcks, $2.60 a cord. Beecli and Maple, 4 feet, 5.50 a CQrd Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. DETROIT PROPERTY. We offer good Detroit Improved Real Estáte in exchange for well louated farmg near markets. The growth a:id progresa of Detroit, with the resumption of business activity, reuders City Keal Estáte an cxeeediiiKly profltable invostment. It is eertain to increagn in value enorinously and soon. Letters promptly answered. T.B.Goodwilüe &Co. 10 Lafayette Atc, DETROIT, MICH. FARMS. f) BjJSAfLSS ,. 1IJ-19 WlLCOX Wt.i_ t T rlw! T j Pm IC tl # ! ï(Juotiyoiint mn-n4 wtm to sutauta thmstlm la lnlcpBodnot, ir mon7 nd lerimmlite wlth. BmtaeM. i SbHOund. Fmu.hlp, EnglUh ind Mhle.l Drirtïi Dtpartmeau. Thoromh ijitem of coUBtlnj bon tnl bus? ! nnt. Btuloei. ü Bulldiog. CMalogn. mBf,H.ifkÁ.ÍiiltáltiEUffi,! lü the rer o' 'viw.n-.i ' ".imv.i urocory store. iS Kaek to al) tr lilis. ls i and riltfht. Orders f or I rrainp, t-ntigt and funerals proiuptly rteurled in Peiei r.oiie, 108 Ann rArf.or Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News