Future Movements Of The Governor
Chicago, Oct. 11.- Governor McKinley was in the city a short time en route to Springfield, and looked as though the hard campaigning he luis gone through in the last month was more child's play for lim. After leaving Springfleld he will speak t Adrián, Detroit, Iunia, and Grand Kapids, Mich. He will reaeh Toledo, O., on Satnrday aftcrnoon, and arrive in Columbus the same night. On Monday he starts out again, and speaks at Hamlin, O., then at Louisville, Ky., Xashville, Tenn., and on the following Saturüay at Cincinnati, O. Thence he goes to Huntngton, to Charleston, and Whoeling, W. Va. ; then to Pittsburg. Pa., and into New York state. He spoaks at Buffalo and throughout the central portionof the state, closing the tour in that state in New York citv.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News