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Vice President Stevenson

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Lincoln, Hls., Oct. 11.- Vice President Steveuson, who slipped into town unannounced, spoke to a large crowd of Democrats, making the opening address of the campaign here. He said in part : "In the presidential contest of 189a the battle was fought and won by the Democratie party almost upon the single issue of tariff reform. Upon the issue of reduced tariff taxation upon the necessaries of life, as against high protectionism, Mr. Cleveland ■was electcd and the Democraey restoredto power. For the flrst time within a third of a century the Democratie party on March i, 1898, controlled the presidency and both houses of tho congress. Under these conditions the country had much to expect of the great historie party now restored to power. How has the party kept faith with the peoplei"' He replied to the question by a review of the acts of the last congress and declared them all in line with the promises of the Democratie platform. He reviewed the conditions previous to the panic of 1893, and deolaredthat it all ocourred under the McKinley law and before an arm had been lifted to carry out the pledges of the Democratie national convention. ring to the rogar tax he snid that th tiounty provided by the KcKlnley bilí "amounted during the lust year to the ennrinous sum of $12,000,000. The tariff bilí jiiBt passod by a Democratie congress repealed this silgar bovinty, and removed from the statuto books this odious elass leglslation." His speech was au exhaustive review of the tat-iff acts from a Democratie Btaadpolnt.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News