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Roosevelt Is Getting Restless

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WashinC4T0N, Oct. 11.- From present indieations the civil service comnüssion will be busy with investigation of cases of aseessments for political purposes for some time to come. Speaking of the prevalence of these charges Commissioner Roosevelt said: "lam glad to have a chance to say something about the matter now, as I always have been before preeidentlal campaigns. Under the decisión of the attorncy general we cannot prooeed aguinst those persons who solicit by letter. How?ver, we will publish broadcast what is being done and guarantee to employés that they need not pay one cent. "If in any way molested we shall try to have criminally prosecuted those who molest these employés. We shall present the matter to congress and urge ;is strenuously as possible that legislation be had to punish solicitation by letter as well Hs in person. During the past month we have had two decisions favorable to our position - one in Oliio and the other in Kentucky - and botli of the offenders have been heavily ll.ied. If we can get at the offenders we will have them punished as rigorously as possible. "I want to say that 110 man in office- whether Democrat or Republican - is uu.Ier any oblig.'tion to contribute to a carapaign fund, and cannot be molested in any way by his superior officer for refuslng. This assessment l)usiness is mere foul blackmail, and we intend to make a war jn it in every way possible. We intend to conduct complete investigations of these cases."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News