Lord Brassey's Narrow Escape
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 11.- Two more men are dead as the result of the explosión at the Newcastle mine. They are G. Donson and Davis J. Lloyd. It is feared that two moro will die, which will bring the fatalities up to ftve. By a fortunate coincidence Lord and Lady Brassey, of London,whoweretouring;through the country, were not in the mine at the time the explosión oceurred. Lord Brassey owns $1,500,000 in stock in the Oregon Improvement company, owners of the Newcastle mine, and it was the intention to have the distiuguished couple visit the mine, bnt at the last moment the prograiume was changed, and they were taken to the Frankliu mine. Had they proceeded to the Newcastle they would undoubtedly have buen In the mine when the explosión oceurred.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News