Must Fight It Out
LOKDOM, Oct. 11.- The Timos, in an editorial artlclo, contenda that any attempt on the part of the powers to stop tho war between China and Japan must fail un less supportod by a tremenduoua display of forre whlch, it says, is out of the question.-- "The power taking the initiative," It suys, "woulrt moke an enémy of the most powerful and progresslve nation in theeast without advancing the canse of pean and humanity a jot. China and Japon must be allowed to flght out their quarrel." A dispatch froni Shanghai, dated Oct. 10. says: Various local rnmors are in drculatlon, the most prominent being that 40,000 Japaoese tiroops have landed near Shan H;ii Kwun, on the boundary between the Chinese provinces of Manchuria and Chi Li, at the eastern end of the great wall whlch traversen China. 'laiiantsr Outposts Driven Back. The telegraph wires bave been cut, thus hindering cominunication with that district. It is repurted here that several Japanese warshlps have been sighted off Takuar. A dispatch reeeived here from Tien Tsin uitcs that the British and Russian ministers have arrived there and that tliey will proeeed at once to Pekin. Another report reaclies this city that after a skirmisli whlch took place north of the Yalu river the Japaneso outposts were driven back acrosa the river. Advices reeeived here from Port Arthur say that the repairs to the Chinese fleet which was engaged In the battle of tlie Yalu river have been completed and that the fleet will proeeed to sea. Pekin at the Japs' Merrv. Shan Hai Kwaii, where the J apáñese are reported to have landed 40,000 troops, is direetly on the railroad building from Tien Tsin to Moukden and is of great strategie importance. In fact the opinioi lias been expressed thíit if Shan Hai Kwan is capturad there is nothing to prevent the Japanese from marehing on Pekín. A Japanese fleet was reported to have been gighted off Shan Hai Kwan on Sept. 2í. Loxdon, üct. 11. - The Standard pub lishes, a leader in which it argües Ib favor of the iinmediate intervention of the pow vrs, including the United States, in th( Chlno-Japanese war. It urges Englant to take the initiative and prevent awk ward eomplicatlons through Russian in tervention. It tliinks Japan would besat isfled with the neutrality of Corea, a mon etary indemnity and the possession of the Loo Choo islands and the Island of For mosa.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News