Castellar Visits The Pope
Rome, Oct. 11. - Señor Emelio Castellar the Spanish republican, had a special au dience, lasting one honr, of the pope. Th greatest oordinlity was shown on bot sides. His holiness spoke of the speeche and writings which liad rendered the nam of Castellar illustrious, and explained t his visitor the papal policy in respect t France and Spain. The pope also men tioned several eneyclicals which he isabou to issue to Roman Catholics in North am South America. Señor Castellar, in turn explained his personal opinions, and de elared that while he would always remai a republican he took Into account th present conditions In Spain, and he hai this in view wlien he advised hls f rienda t support monarchy. When leaving the Vatican Señor Castellar expresaed his admlration of the sound oonimon genseand vrtde views of the pope, as well as the remarkable lnslght into human affairs possessed by his holtness, who left upan the statcsman's raiud the profound inipression that he had boen in tha presence oí' a really great man. Señor Castellar also declared that the audlence had convinced him that the pope could do much to promote international peace.
Ann Arbor Argus
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