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His Record Refutes It

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Hon. Spencer O. Fisher, democratie candidate for governor, is a Michigan man born and bred, and all his life he has gone in and out before the people of this state. Starting in life with the proverbial silver spoon not even in sight, with nothing to depend upon but good health, a pair of strong, willing hands and a goodly amount of mental capacity, he has risen to the proud position of one of Michigan's most successful and prominent business men, honored alike, wherever known, for his rugged, straightforward character and business integrity and liberality. Again and again he has been called by his admiring fellow-citizens to serve them in various public capacities, always carrying with him into every position of trust the same sterling qualities that have distinguished him in private affairs. In all relations, social, bus iness, and political, he always has been and is noted for his broad, liberal and tolerant ideas. That a man who,all his life has' been known, both by precept and practice, to possess such a large-hearted, tolerant spirit, could be guilty of the charges laid at his door by the Hon. T. E. Tarsney is impossible. That a man possessing such catholicity of spirit would abett an organization that would in any degree or manner restrict the rights of citizenship on the basis of religious affiliations is incredible. The animus of the attack on Mr. Fisher must be found, therefore, in sonie other direction. Knowing the bitter personal relations of the two men, growing out of the fact that Mr. Fisher, while both men were in congress, secured for Bay City the United States Court building which Mr. Tarsney desired for Saginaw, disinterested persons will not be disposed to look for any other or higher motive for the attack. This, together with the fact that Mr. Fisher denies catagorically all of the points of any importance contained in the attack, will unques tionably cause the same to react upon the maker without cost to Mr. Fisher. So far as the political bankrupts Robinson and Casterlain are concerned, the case may be dismissedwith the knowledge that they are mere catspaws.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News