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Cider apples and apples for evaporating wanted by the Ann Arbor Fruit & Vinegar Co. For "running switches," that is, hustling to be the first at the switch to keep from backing for the opposite car, three motormen have been "switched off." Rowe, motorman of one of the cars in the collision by which Allmand's leg was broken, will be obliged permanently to turn his talents in another direction. The Methodist people of this city are happy in once more being able to occupy their church. They have been enlarging their audience room and it is now one of the largest if not the largest in the state. It will seat 1,500 people. It is in every way finely finished and is a most satisfactory improvement. The society will occuy it the coming Sabbath for the first time. Prof. Stanley, the Argus is informed, will have charge of the music and will tiave a chorus of 250 voices. Burglars Tuesday night broke into the store of Frank Hammond, of Whittaker, plundered the store, tore open letters in the postoffice, and endeavored to break open the safe with a sledge, but failed. The loss is about $150. The burglars, if caught, will fall into the ungloved hands of federal justice for überties taken with Uncle Samuel 's property. A horse and buggy were taken from the farm of Wm. Derbyshire as a means of conveyance. The rig was found next morning in front of the residence of D. L. Quirk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News