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7hêold reliable" DBY GOODS HOUSE OF Bach & Hoath. - - . ♦ . - Specialties. 150 Pairs Cottoïi Bed Blanket.s. white and grey, 52, 63 and 87 CtS. per pair. 50 Fieces Best Quality Flannelettes, very popular for Night Dresses and Night Shiits. Underwear and Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. Big stock, al! qualities and popular prices. Kid, Silk and Cashinere Gloves, Correct Styles and right prices. The Pearl Shirt for Men is the best fitting, best made and all arouncl the best value ever sold for $1.OO. Try them. Ladies' Mackintoshes. We have the proper shape and best quality. Every garment warranted. Silk Umbrellas. Our Stock is very large. Leaders at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.40. Better grades with prices to match. Table Linens and Xapkins. We are making it very interesting to buyers in this line. Look our stock over. DKESS GOODS. We are offering great values in this department. Black and Colors are a]ike marked cheap to meet the people's wants. pest Goocls - AND- Louest Prices. _ o BACH & EO ATH 26 S. Main Street. WaHrjs BDORSTORE WE' OFFER DlSt-'OUNT ON ALL University Text-Books, Law. Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific Books We buy and sell Second-Hand Books. Mathematical Instruments und Drafting Supplies at special rates. We offer Best Unen Paper at 20e per lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c 0LE ÁGENTS FOR Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen T"WO STOEES üniveisity Bookstore, DownTown, on State St. Oppósite Court House


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