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The Pin Oak School

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Thar's a 'eetle btt cv a schoolhonse 'At I kaiu't souiehow forgit Way down bc'.ou on the Pickayune, 'N I wii-ht we'd biaid thar yit. 'Tivas so! on a.clamin hillside On the rocks 'n the gravel sands. Thar warn't no sawt uv a do'step, bo they pulled us up by the bands. Jes' pulled uj he littleshavers, Tlicm ns beA come Ier school, 'N I low hit's ritrange- uv tbe fo'ty-sevtn Only one turned out a fooi. The maner was a lord er a earl, Th a lipad above any man's - JIcbbe a joke, 'f be warn't no eonnt - 'N be pulk-il us up by ihe bands. 'Twas him 'at opened the do' uv sense. Er sawt uv set it ajar, 'N we made íriends 'itli a heap uvthinea, From a natom to er star. On ckal tarivs 'iih a katydid As 'i:h O'Ryan's bands, i Dot n at i he little Pin Oak school, Wjiur tbey pulled us up by tbe bands. Sence t'.iem old days we's stutied some- Man, i lants 'n aniiuules. Been round them uuivarsities 'N knul tiv K'yardtng ecbools, Sailed clur acrntt the coniinents 'N lntet' furrin lands, Bv.t 'r beats em all down the Pickayune. VLir they pulled 'cm up by tbe hands. We fet( bed f m that thar Pin Oak school. We larnt mo' in er day- Tliankp, jes' 60, "all 't we ever larnt," I 'low that's 'bout the way. Thourh 't sawt uv shades t' iurny, Xary one but onderstands, Fer tbey ain't nnich larnt beyent tbe aiga 1iur they pulls 'em up by tbe hands.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News