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The Brothers

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Ride we out 3t tii" öawning of day- Gi'Ry arciliehilis endahlushou thesky - Upbetweea tields where the dew frostslaT Jack and HaroM and I. Can ever an hour witb this compare? Is ever a bloom like a waking one? Ho, for the bieatü of the unwarmed air That knows not the kiss of the bunl Over the highway and down the hill Speud we well like the wings of a bird A redden i uk cast and a warming thrill- The worid awaked and etirredl A endden ra y and a cocks ehrill cali, A Mi'.ty scent from the sea blown down, A t1 oaghtof the work that awaiiB usall And yonder the spires of the townl Back we rido at the closing of day, Met by the breath that the, brier sbeds. And a bird that is flying to west away, And one star over our heads. Can ever an liour with this compare, When the day and thenight are almostot!, Fillinf? the sky and the silent air, Hufched at the death of the sun? Bafk 't ween the dewy fields we ride, Under the deepening heart of the ky. Passing the bridge and the hill's fcteep sidO- Jack and Ilaroïd and I. And down by the mili will one of us wait, Wftit for the wave of a hand, for a smíle And over the hill, by a vine ciad gate, Will one of us linffer awhile. But under the stars, in the gatherint? gloom, One rideth on, rideth on for a space. Then, oh, the scent ol the white rose bloomt And the joy in a mother's facel


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News