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DO not be deceived. The following brands oí White Lead are still made by the " Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion. They are Standard, and always Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of ''Aadua,' "Morley," " Armstrong & McKelvy," '■ Souw"'-', "Davis-Chambers," oSlSí1 " Fahaestock." ' to you by your merchant ís an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. For Colors.- National Lead Co 's Pur White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matchine shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book 00 pints and color-card, free; it will probabl Mve you a good many dollars. a NATIONAL LEAD CO. Chicago Branch, tLZ- State and Fiftccuth Streets, Chicago. _ . TOLEDO p. Mm lARBOft ! (6 anp D-, "3 ( ' - j NORTH MICHIGAN") (T VJy RAILWAY. l-r-U H ■.] Cvf. V #YCITYif '.USKEOON S' CC7S'VO'N IS TITIIC TABI.E IN EFFECT AUGUST ., 1894. Trains Louve Aun Arhor. xokth. S(;th. 7:15 a. m. 'iáüa. m. 12:15p. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. :0Ü p. m Tvains run between Ann Arborand Toledo only. W. H. BBNNBTT, R. S. GREENWOOD, G. P A. Toledo Ohio. Atfent. o R o ' I? 3 H ' ! f.S f! P? ► ! !i f! p J 1 1 g i g y p I S " a S S r 3 v H Z i I i w ö S o 2? O I I P P-a t 81ISEÏ Í gWS BAKERY, &ROGEBY AND FLOÜB AMD FEE9 STORE, We kfep conswntlv on h:inl BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ie For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supplv ot GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'b Best White Wheat ïlour, Rye Flotir, Buckwheat Flour. Oorn Meal, T="jed, &c, &c, &c., At Wholesale -ind Retail. A general stock o: 3F.00EBIES AND PEOVISIOFS ronstantly on hand, which will be sold on as reusonable terms as at any other house in the city BP"Cash paid for Butter, H-Rgs, and Cour try Produce generally. BfGoods Dehvered to anv part of the city with out extr-i charce. Rinneï & Seaboltt 5,000 ACKES - J P% HH O CENTBAL L i LJ I # michigan rfniwiv Near Sïginawand Bay City. Soilclay loam,hrdwooa timber and free from swimps. Railway facilitiw; schools and markets adjacent, Price, $6 to $8 per acre, on caiy payments. Satisfaction assured. Practical farmers and paren who wish to gWe their sons a start in life, can find No Better L,and in M1 ican. Maps nd Circular free. JApü? 8CHWABTZ or WM. M. TEMNANT. SAGINAW, E. S., MICH. --


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News