Jewel Stoves And Ranges
■mi umi ir :i liiriiií r i i i mu miit.iiinuMHIIllMIMMMIMrAre the outcome of 30! . years' experience iu idesigning, ing and testing of a stoves. In them are conibined all the besti devices known to the stove maker. They are ISP93ö m upoS right Hncs S i jf-SZISrSILBSw1; to give the greatest = I WGEST STDVE PLAHTIM TOEWlJLfli feLLtffed!tfl i the right material to give the longest service at the ï least cost for repairs. They are of the latest patterns, finished in the handsomest manner. Ask to see them I at the dealers. The Trade Mark willidentify the genuhie. illllilllllimUllllllilllllllUIIUIIIIIlllUllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiim.!!!...!.!.!.!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!
Ann Arbor Argus
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