To the Electo,: of tlu First Ward of the City of Ann Arbor: Nötice is btereby given tliat a session of the board of registration of the First Ward of the city of Ann Arbor wil] be held at the office of Bach & Butler, No. 16 East Huron street, in said city, on Tuesday, October 3Oth, A. D: 1894, for the purpose of registering all new electors in said ward, in said city. who inay apply tor that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in sessiou on the day and place aforesaid, f rom eight o'clöck in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoou, and on the following day at the Council Chamberfrom niué o'cl'ock in the forenoou to four o'clock in the afternoon, in said city. Dated, Sept. 24th, 1894. JNO. E. MtNEK. P. L. Bodmer. C. W. Wagneu, Board of Registration. To the Electora of the Second Wurd of the City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a session of the board of registration of the Second Ward of the city of Ann Arbor, will be held at the store of Wm. Herz, No. 4 West Washington street, in said city, on Tuesday, October 30th, A. D. 1894, for the parpóse of registering all new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in session on the day and place aforesaid. from eight o'clqck in the forenoon to eight o'cloek in the afternoon. and on the following day at the Council Chaniber. froni nine 'o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in the afternoon, in said city. Dated, Sept. 24th, A. D. 1S94. Eugene Oeste klin, Chbisttan Martin, D.F. Allmendinöeb, Board of Registration To the Electors of the Third Ward of th City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a session of the board of registration of the Third Ward of the city of Ann Arbor will be held in the Pomological Room in the basement of the Court House in said city, on Tuesday, October 30th A. D. 1894, for the purpose of register ing all new electors in said city, who niay apply for that purpose, and tha said board of registration will be in session on the day and place aforesaic from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, and on the following day at the Council Cham ber from nine o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in the afternoon, in said city. Dated, Sept. 24th A. D. 1894. JoriN J. Fisciiek, Frank Wood, C. J. Snvder, Board of Registration lo the Electors of the Fourth Ward of th City of Ann Árbor: Notice is hereby given that a session of the board of registration of the Fourth Ward of the city of Ann Arbo will be held at the Engine House, ii said city, on Tuesday, October 30th A. D. 1894, for the purpose of register ing all new electors. in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and tha said board of registration will be ii session on the day and place aforesaid from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, and oi the following day at the Counei Chamber, trom nine o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in the after noon, in said city. Dated, Sept. 24th, A. D. 1894. Geo. H. Pond, II. J. Beown, A. P. Ferguson, Board of Registration To the Electors of the Fifth Wurd of the City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a session of the board of registration of the Fifth Ward of the city of Ann Arbor will be held at the Fifth Ward Engine House, in said city, on Tuesday, October 30th, A. D. 1894, for the purpose of registering all new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in sessiou on the day and place aforesaid, from eight o'clock in the forenoou to eight o'clock in the afternoon, and on the the following day at the Council Chamber, from rune o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in the afternoon, in said city. Dated, Sept. 24th, A. D. 1894. Thomas Speechly, Walter L. Tayloi:, C. H. Mani.y, Board of Registration. To the Electors of the Sixth Ward of the City of Ann Árbor: Notice is hereby given that a session of the board of registratiou of the Sixth ward of the city of Ann Arbor, will be held at the Sixth Ward Engine House, in said city, on Tuesday, October 3Oth, A. D., 1894, for the purpose of registering all new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in session on the day and place aforesaid, from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, and on the following day at the Council Chamber, from uine in 'the forenoon to four o'clock in the afternoou, in said city. Dated, Sept. 34th, A. D. 1894. EVAKT II. SCOTT. H. G. PllETTYMAN, AKTBUR J. KlTSON, Board of Registration. School in Dancing. The class in dancing for juveniles will meet tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, Granger's Academy, 6 Maynard street. No stairs to mount. Office and dancing room on the ground floor.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News