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Temperance Parade At Chicago

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Chicago, Oot. 11. - The temperance demonstration of school children was great success, and thousands wore in line, while other thousands lined the streets of the route of march. The column was headed by a platoon of pólice, a band and the Chicago Hussars. In the balcony at the Auditorium woro Governor Altgeld, Mayor Hopkins, Bishop Watterson, Dr. Barrows, Dr. Hensen, Dr. Bumsey, Chief Marshal Burbank, members of the executivo committee and a numbor of wellknown temperance workers. It was the flrst time in the history of the city when Protestants and Roman Catholics joined in a demonstration, and many of the children were those of Roman Catholic parochial schools. Besides these the ranks were swellcd by the children of many other parochiul and private schools. There were four divisions of the parade, and it presentcd a very interesting sight. Last night a mass-meefing was held at the Auditorium which was packed. Rev. Mr. Barrows presided and among the speakers Tas Bishop Watterson, the Roman Catholic prelate, of Ohio, who reccntly created a stir by hls stand against saloon keepers being members of Roman Catholic societies. Satolli, tho Papal ablégate, and Archbishop Ireland sent their regrets at not being able to be present and declared their sympathy with the obiects of the parade.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News