Yields Of Wheat And Corn
WASHINGTON, Oct. U.- The October returns to the statistician of the department of agricultura muke the general condltlon of corn not materlally different frora that of last month, it being 64.2 against 68.4 In September, a gain of eight-tenfchs of one point. In most of the southern states the conditlon of corn has fallen since the last report. The averages of con dltion in the laugest surplus corn growins; states are as follows; Tonnessee, 88; Keutucky, 77; Ohio, 71; Michigan, 56; Indiana, 78; Illinois, 78; Wisconsin, 54; MlnnesoM, 59; Iowa, 47; Missouri, 70; Kansas, 45, Nobraska, 14; South Dakota, 44; North Dakota, 80; California, 94. The returns of yield per acre of wheat indícate a production of about 13.1 bushels, being 1.8 bushels groater than last October'spreliminary estímate. The rate of yield by states is as follows: New York, 14.8 bu. ; Pcnnsylvania, 15.3; Ohio, 19.4; Michigan, 15,8; Indiana, 19.4; Illinois, 18.8; Wisconsin. 16.5; Minnesota, 13.9; Iowa, 14.8; Missouri, 15.5; Kansas, 10.4; Nebraska, 6.5; South Dakota, 8.4; North Dakota, 11.2; Washington, 16.6; Oregon, 17.7; California, 11.8. The indicated quality for the country is 93.5. The quality somo of the principal wheat states is for in New York, 93; Pennsylvania, 95; Kentucky, 95; Ohio, 100; Michigan, 93; Indiana, 98; Illinois, 97; Wisconsin 90; Minnesota, 94; lowa, 96; Missouri, 97; Kansas, 83; Ncbraska, 78; South Dakota., 86; North Dakota, 93; Washington, 93, Oregon, 94; California, 95, The returns of yield of oats per acre after consolidation indícate a yield of 34.5 bushcis, being one bushei more than the estímate for last October. The average yield of ryo, according to the correspondente' returns of yield per acre, ís 13.7 busheU, against 13.3 bushels in 1893, and 12.7 bush els in 1893. Aecording to the return on yield per aero the general average for barley is 19.3 bushels, agaiust 31.7 bushels in 1893, and 23.7 bushels in 1892. ClNCINNATl, Oct. 11. - Thoman's erop report in The Price Current says: The condition of corn on the área to be harvested is 70 per cent. against 65.3 on the whole area last month. Eleven million acres wero abandoned. The preliminary estímate of the yield per acre is 20.9 bushels. Total harvest, 1,535.000,000 bushels.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News