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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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h Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men i Syphilis Cured. "This temblé blood d. I t La Fnthop I itiQ 9nn YoungorMiddleAgedMan-You haveieda ease was in my eystem for eight year. Had 1_IK0 rainer, L-lrve OUH. caylifeorindulgedinthevicesofearlyyouth. taken mercury for two years, but the disease I i Toufeelthesymptoniestealingoverjou. Self returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotebe on I ƒ abuse or later ezcesses have broken down your the ekin, ulcers in the mouth and on tongue, I f system Menlaüy physicalty and sexually yon bone paius, fnlling out of hair, weakness, etc. m gfc ' ' are not the man yoa ased to be or shonld be. My brother. who had been cured of Meet and H "A T V W Lnstful practices reap rich harvests. Thiuh Striaure by Dr3. Kennedy and Kergan, I M i tfè W of the futare. Willyouheed the danger signáis! mendetlthem. Thcy cured me in a f ew weeks W -. Oy {i'r. .' Ar you nervous and weak; deepondent and and I thank God I coneulted üiem. No ■ ■ O A VA :4iJN. Kloomy; epecks before eyes; back weak and turn of the disease iu eix years ■ f - : 5-V kidneys irritable; palpitation of heart;drearns W. P. M„ Jackson, Mich. j i 1 ti ' and losses at night; sediment in nrine; A Minister Speaks. The Kev. W. E. Sparks, K ■ . 1 ' V- T2;i ened manhood; pimples on face; eyeB snnken of Detroit, sny: "Iknowof nodiseaseso I [ !' i I I k W and cheeks hollow; poor memory; careworn jurions to the mind, body and soal of young I i I I.4JL tLC Y expression; Varicocele; tired in mormngi; men as that of Self Abnee. 1 have sent many I ' X ''ï lifeless; distrnstfnl; lack energy, Btrength viitims of this lustfal habit to Dre. Kennedy I -jl" j&tLJi. an' ambition. Our New Method Treatment Kcran for treatment. I can heartily I 9l I Y. ( il ' - TjkSS. will positively cnre you. lt vrill make a man dort thi'ir New Alelhnd Trealmcnl vhich cared 1 I mLW v. ■ ) iSjTTCf il V{m fü of you and life will open anew. We guaranltt whea all else failed." IJ} HmC_I MOll A f paid for an, case we take and cannot cure! Sd sLSïïlLS?n the iftSwS I 1 " II TV1 V?_ A 7 Ni n ■ trtuimmi of D. Knnedy & Kprgan. Many W I V 1' LJW- - - JT"! i? 1 SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE I i.-cs which liad baCtiui scores of phydcians I 3 fK) Fdi -JJ=tyf V V(W'. í A Warning From the Living. were cared in a few weeks. I have seen this j I W L_ -T{ -:::=' - rr Tf c 1 1 o j ii n 1 loarnoH i hn,i with. my owu eyee and knowit to be a fact." yyA'haTaSfot'ïssï'tó rh h t.e.allin m.d. i jp-JLlll V four doctors and nerve tonics by the score, Reader-Have yon boen gmlty? Has your I V. Pil I I n,J jT J without benefit I became a nervous wreek, tfiowi been diseased .' Arejouweaki1 Do yon I l-e- e n il O(LH A friend who had been cnredby Drs. Kennedy desire to be n mf Are you contemplating I -'11 57; HHr A Kerean of a similar diseae, advised me to marriage? Our Method Trealmenl will I -J U U-a Jt try them I did so, and in two months was potitively cure yon. Cures Guaranteed er Wo Jf V i il i"1" I positively cured. This was eight years ago. Pay! Consultation Free! f JÊ L' l am now tnarried and have two healthy No matter who has treated yon, write for an ■ ?&??-' 17 f I S'r children " C. W. LEWIÖ. Saginaw. Mich. honeet opinión free of charge. Charges I T L&-& n5í?ilnLS?bSfft.lIi?S5SS: PO-W. 2 cent-. HeaJed BïFOEE TBiATttBOT. nair thin, dreams and losses at night, no ?-No ñames used without written consent. I "Vo. T hn- int rnad the "Golden Monitor " bition. The "Golden Monitor" opened my Private. No medicine sent C. O.D. No naracs I i48 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. j


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