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In the face of the upward tendency of wo...

In the face of the upward tendency of wo... image
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In the face of the upward tendency of wool the howler for high tariff feels that he is like a burr in a sheep's tail - neither useful nor ornamental. Voter, when you go to Lansing, run up into the office of Rev. Washington Gardner, secretary of state, and hang up in one of those soft $90 chairs. You helped pay for 'em. From various sections of the county the Argus has received cheering news about the growth of Barkworth sentiment. With every speech he makes he strengthens his chances of election. The second district will remain in the democratie column. The calamity howl of Gov. McKinley is so deep and full of anguish that he utterly fails to hear the pleasant hum of reviving industry and prosperity. The country will not again trust its industries to the tender care of a financier of the McKinley stripe. This, from the Mt. Clemens Press, is not very heavily coated with varnish, henee is more easily gotten at: " Sad to relate, sugar is getting cheaper and wool is going up in price. What in thunderisthe republican party going to have to howl about from nowuntil the present canvass is finished, anyhow?" Congressman Burrovvs, who has been stumping Michigan on the McKinley plan, had a unique experience at Holland a few nights since. In previous campaigns he has always been greeted by large audiences there. This time the audience was small. He inquired the reason and was informed that the factories were all running nights and the men could not get away. ' Over in Adrián, the other day, the democratie supervisors voted for H. Craig, a bright, wide-awake, young colored republican, for court house janitor. Did the republican supervisors fall in and elect Craig ? They did not. What did they do? They knocked him out by a solid vote, being in the majority. The colored man is still "a nigger" among the Lenawee republicans. He wiH not reach the dignity of "our colored brother" till the day of election, and hold it for that day and date only. How much longer will the black voter willingly bare his back to the lash of his republican masters? There are two oíd soldiers 011 the republican county ticket, 8eth C. Randail, of Aun Arbor, for prosecuting attorney, and Jerome Allen, of Ypsilanti, for surveyor. - Ann Arbor Courier. If they get no better support than the one-armed Morse did from the Courier, their being soldiers shouldn't be mentioned. The Courier might remind its readers that a gallant, brave, upright and worthy old one-armed vet, is on the democratie ticket over there for senator. And he is aman of brains and merit, too. Let the Courier advise all republicans in the county to put a sawbuck before Capt. Manly's name on the ballot before they vote. Then we shall believe its love for the old soldier sincere. See, Bro. Beal ? - Adrián Press. The republicans have made such a record of scandal and extravagance in their handling of state affairs during the past two years that they now find it necessary to do some tall lying and juggling with the figures in order to wool the taxpayers as to their doings. There is one sure way, however, by which every taxpayer can nail these lying statements. His own tax receipts will show the increase of his burdens during the Rich regime, the increase in the state taxes of Washtenaw county alone being $20, 776.00 for 1893 and 1894, over 1891 and 1892, and there was a corresponding increase in every county in the state. The doctored figures sent out from Lansing for the purpose of deceiving voters cannot explain away these damaging facts. The last legislature gave a snug little bonus of $2,000 each, amounting in all to $1 0,000 in the way of an increase of salary to members of the supreme court. This was done to induce ihem to live in Lansing and attend to the datïes for the performance of which they were elected. The auditor general had his stipendraised to $3,000. The salaries of those officials which could not be reached except by constitutional amendment were submitted to the people. The people pronounced against the scheme by a majority of more than 11,000. Then commenced the "fine" work for the benefit of these republican economists. The increased salary they must needs have. The vote of the people was accordingly falsified and made to show that Barkis was willing. If the people approve of such economy and such methods they should return the republicans to the control of state affairs this rail. Michael Brenner, of Manchester, has served this county two years in the capacity of sheriff, and is a candidate for re-election. His record is public property, and it is not only a record that he should be proud of, but that should be equally satisfactory to the county. He is not only a courageous, alert and energetic official, but has an eye to the interests of the people in the way of economy in the handling of the jail and all business pertaining to his office. Instead of handling the office as a money making scheme for himself, he has conducted it as a public trust with the interests of the public always first in consideration. He has largely reduced expenses, and has established a reputation that has led the worthless vagabonds, who are frequently so costly, to give Washtenaw a wide berth. In every way he has been tried and not found wanting. In re-electing hira the county takes no chances. It is to the interest of every taxpayer to see to it that Mr. Brenner is re-elected sheriff. This is a time when everybody in general and candidates for office in particular are expected to do more or less political sprinting. However, any person who has business to transad with our genial prosecuting attorney, Thomas D. Kearney, will find him steadily sawing wood for the county. This is in line with his well known characteristics. No duty for the proper performance of which he is obligated is ever allowed to go by default. These traits were instilled into him throughout years spent upon his father's farm in Northfield. He brought with him to the city and into the performance of his official duties the same energy and industriousness that had characterized his boyhood. He has made a careful painstaking prosecutor. To begin with, he possesses excellent judgment and thorough knowledge of the law, and henee makes few mistakes. Not an information has been drawn during his term that was incorrect. He has attended to all the business of the office himself, having had outside assistance in only one case. His carefulness and his strong horse sense have saved the county much expense. An official with such a record merits well at the hands of his constituents. He deserves a re-election, and he will receive it. When Governor McKinley, on his spectacular tour through Michigan, arrived at Ionia and began to fire off his old speech prepared for sorne period in ancient history, he suddenly espied, a short distance down the street, a large banner bearing the inscription, "Our factories are running twelve hours a day as the result of the Wilson bill." Although right in the midst of one of his most touching calamity howls, he broke off and dodged behind the republican party's favorite bogie- the English. He said he was glad Ionia workraen were enjoying a fair degree of that prosperity which had come to the English workman as a result of the Wilson tariff. At Owosso also he spoke in the shadow of a furniture factory that is running twelve hours a day to keep up with orders. At Grand Rapids he encountered similar conditions. Every factory in the city is working to its utmost capacity and some of them are running nights. Nevertheless the tin Major worked off his old gag without revisión and tried to convince his hearers that the industrial situation was of stygian hue. In view of the fact that factories all over the state are running at their full capacity, there is much of the comedy about the calamity oratory of McKinley. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, though beginning to fail in physical health, still possesses a vigorous mendacity and the power of misrepresentation. He wails because the canned fish caught off the coast of Maine is to have a free competitor. The Maine fishermen have under protection been packing bogus sardines off on the trade, for the genuine, and the tariff protected the imposture. No genuine sardines come from Maine. The same Pecksniffian snivel goes up from Mr. Hoar because northern freestone, sandstone and limestone are free and Alabama and Tennessee pig iron are protected $4 per ton; and yet the venerable, misleader knows that every dollar invested in southern iron mines is eastern capital. He weeps because raw Louisiana sugar "is protected 20 per cent, while wool - the greatest product of the north - is to come in free." He knows that Texas is the greatest wool producing state in the union and his misrepresentation has the effect of a falsehood. '-The tie for baling cotton is free; the hoop iron for the hay bundie of the north is to have 30 per cent ad valorum." Both hay and cotton are baled with the iron hoop and must pay the same tax. It is about time that Hoar, of Massachusetts, went into retirement.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News