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Wagoxer, I. T., Oct. 23.-The Kansas City and Memphis expnsss was wrecketj and robbed by tho Cook gang of despera. does at Corrota, a blind siding, fivu ,„il(',. soutli of hero. ïhe train was running twenty miles tin hour, and when within 100 feet of the switch a man camo out f ram behind m enxbankment and throvthe switch for the sidetrack, running n1(, train into a string of empty boxcars Englneer James Htirris applied the air jrakes and reversed the engine. TIn; rot 5ers cornmenoed dring at the englae and coaches. As soon as tho train si wo of the robbers command-J th gineer and flremnu to come down and narelied tliom in front of them to the aggage and expresa osas. Did Tlieir Work Liko Expert. Horo they foree 1 Rxpross Measengei Ford tt) open the door by perforating the si.le of tho cm wifch bullcts. Meanwhilo two more of the robbers had taken up a position at tho rear end of the sleeper to prevent: any ono esoaplng, two others mounted the platform bctween the moker and baggage car. and two more on tho platform betwoen first and second coaches, all keeping up a coainual ftring. The two robbers in the express car were meanwhile ransacking tha express car, securlng all the money in the local safe. ïhey commanded Messenger Ford to open the through safe, but when be explained that the safe was looked at the main office and not opened until it reachetl lts destination thay left the car. Kob!ed the Passengers Next. The two on ths front platform thon startud through the ilrst coach, dcmanding money and valuables. As soon as they reachod the rear end of the coach the two men on that platform started through the second coach. When they were about half way through a freight train following close behlnd whistled and BUI Cook, the leader, who had all the time remained outside issuing commands, swearing at the passengers and shooting, called for all hands to come out. The men on the cara jumped out and when all were on the ground flred a volley at the train and disappeared in the darkness. There wera eight or ten men in the party. Two of them were white and the othors were halfbreeds. The Officials Were Too sluw. Jack Mahara, an advance agent f ir Mahara's minstrels, was hit ia theforv head by a bullet and dangerously if n ,ï fatally wounded. Walter Barnes, of Van Buren, Ark., was also slightly injured by a bullet striking him in the cheek. Special Officers Helmick and Dickson, of tho Missouri Pacific, were on the train, also ünited States Deputy Marshals Brunner and Casa ver, but thoy were covered byWinchesters in the hands of the bandita beforo they had timeto niake a move. Tha train was backed up to this place for assistance and to give the injured medical attendance. The entire train was completely riddled with bullots, every wiudow being broken.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News