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piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, .ent tor the following Flrsi Clas Compaña represeniing over twontytjieht Dollars AaaerB, issues polioien at tbe loweat tates ■ Etua of Hartford $9,192,644.00 i Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Grermania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 ' American of N.Y. 4.065,968.00 Loudon Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287.6O8.00 ' N. Y. Underwriteis, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036X10 ! - . i "Special atieucloti i(ivt,u uj n insuranc oï elllnga, schools, churc-hw Anü r-uhitr huildiuv' In ttTTiH of thr irnl tivf v,.r BÜSI-XES3 DIKECTOflY. = ) A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D Diseases of the EYE, EAK, NOSE and THKOAT i Office, cor. of Main and Washinaton Streets. ' Residenee H 9. State Street. Kcsidenoe telephont', Nu. l-'S. Uffloo telephone No. l.'ii. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. ' i ATTORNEYS. - i P B. NOKR1S Attokney at Law. Doos a general law ooUeotion and mg business. A moderate share of your oarnnafte respectfullv aolicited. Uffice, 16 E Huron Street, upgtalrs, p H. WILLIAMS, Attorne? ú Lav and Pensión Chis Attornsr, MILAN, MICH. Coní-eyanciníf and Collections. Xön'ïs ' roïïde, CoalandWoodi Lehigh Yalley Coal, $6 50 per ton. Beecli and Maple Blocks, 2.50 a cord. Beech and Maple, 4 feet; $6.50 a cord Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards - 50 West Huron Street. Commissioners' Notice. OTATi. OF MICHIGAN, COUXTV OF Washtenaw. The undersined havinif beenappoi ntcd liv the Probate Court for s.iid Countv, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claim and demands of all persons asrainst the estáte oí Adelauie Anthony, ate of said Countv. deceased, herebv irive notice that six mouths from date al - lowcd, by order of saitl Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aeainst the estáte of said deceased. and that thevwill meet at the office of C. F. Knpp, M. D., ia the village of Manchester, in aiiid County, on the lflth day of Januarv and on the 19th dav of April next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claim. Dated, OctobirI9, 18M THRISTIAN F. KA PP, NATHANIF.L SCHMID, Commissioners. 11-19 WlLCOX AVE. Nfc- Detroit. Micm. Kdueatas yoang man tod womco to mintiiin themfllres in ÍDdepeadcoe, ve montj and accumaUte weltb. Busios, Shorthaad, Peamaaship, Eagllsh and Heoh&aical It WÍ113 Dapartmcnt. Thorouh sjstem of couoting home actual business. Builnei Unircriicj BuildiD?. IUuatrat'-d Catalogue free. W. F. JEWELL, Prt't. T. B. 3PENCEB, Stoï, fff ELECTRÏG TELEPHONE P-X I J" Sold ontriKht, no rent, no royalty. Adnpted i - LI ! to Cil). Villuse or Country. Needed in every UnL: home.ahop, Itowand offloe. Greatest convenAr=-i ience and best .pller on efirth. l!?V 1 1 ■ .t;ï--il uiakr Trom 85 to 850 i.-r il.-i in .. rwrtdence meiins a salfi to nll the La h hb i Fine infttnunenta, no toyn, work 7i diotance. Complete, ready for I f ï' 'r3 when shipred. i-'nn be put up by ony ont-, . ; ,, ,[ of or.:er, po rPrft;rinn, lastp a 1 lic -■oin W.i-rin'pd. Amoney miier. l rite 1 - iö V.' P. Hárrison ú Co , CierK 0. Columius. 0 FEEDMILL W Chicago Feed Mili Co, 389 Wabash Av., Chicago DETROIT PROPERTY. We offer good Detroit Improved Real Estáte in exchange for well located fanus neár markets The growth and prorass of Ietroit, with the retumption of business activity, renders City Keal Estáte an cxceedinly prolitable inve.stinent. It is eertain to increase in vulue enormously and soon. Letters promptly answered. T.B.Goodwillie&Co. 10 Lafayette ATe.,IETKOIT, MICH. FA R M S.


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