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This is registration day. Another week then cometh the democratie victory in Washtenaw. Overcoat thieves are in the city. If yours is not in the hands of "your unele" of the three-ball sign, take care of it. Mrs. Kate E. Eilenberger,through Lawrence Butterfield, sues the Home Life Insurance Co. on a policy heid by her husband. Prof. Ross Granger's waltz Ox ford has captured the hearts and feet of the hamlet of Jackson, Jackson county. B. Fosdick, of Ypsilanti, had the "crust" to win the horse owned by W. Bowe. He was the holder of No. 198. It is "a horse on" Fosdick. Mrs. Jacob Richert, of Manchester, who became blind a few weeks ago, is in the city and recovering her sight through the treatment of Dr. Carrow. Bert Smith, of Willis, and Miss Sophia Warner, of Sumpter, Saturday, by the grace of Justice Pond, became one 1 111 death or divorce shall them part. The Summer Dudes will give a dance Friday evening, Nov. 7, at Granger's. - Times. Don't cali the rejoicing democrats "Summer Dudes", please. The fact that there is more work on the sewers and street railway extensions than local labor can' perform, has caused the sewer contractors to send away for labor. W. A. Clark has cut the wire connecting him with the street car conductorship, and established himself on the circuits of the electnc light works, as superintendent of the plant. Deputy Sheriff Peterson recently received a deer (not living) from a friend in the north It costs some people no more to live on that which is '-deer" than that which is "sheep." John Wehness, Patrick O'Brien and Frank Daniels, were last week fined each $1.50 formakingmosquito smudges of the autumn leaves during hours not sanctioned by the city statutes. The campus will not this fall sufficiently recover from the effect of recent excavations to allow of football practice there, and the athletic field will constitute the training ground. August Winter is accused of assault and battery on his wife, "and now is the winter of his discontent," which he trusts "will be made glorious summer" by his acquittal, Nov. 9. Profs. Pattengill, Knowlton and Adams will try to recover damages against the street car company for the construction of the Hill street line. The tilt between the three Profs. and the company will be interesting. A Sabbath breaking chimney at the second ward school house, Sunday, warmed up to an exhibition that called out the fire department. No damage was done. By the way, it would be the proper caper for the council to provide the department with a bath tub. The following will hereafter constitute the orchestral body of St. Andrew's church: Miss Condón, organist; F. Lorsteffer, ist violin; Fred McOmber, flute; H. G. Shock, cornet; Cari Worden, 'cello; and G. S. Vandawarker, trombone. Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, has been "at it" but a short time, but "has his hand in" - both hands - so well that he has this month turned in #75 collected for fines. The shibboleth of his office is, "Me, ye cannot escape!" The regular semi-monthly meetings of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew began last evening at Harris Hall. The regents decline to "bounce" Dr. Obetz for alleged heretical ideas on amalgamation. To the parties who wanted to get the doctor out he is like aburr in a sheep's tail - there yet. Saline gave Messrs. Whitman and Schermerhorn a fine audience and an attentive one, Friday evening. The increased attendance on the meetings and the confident spirit of the democracy show on which side will be the victory. Chelsea has an Andrew Hewes; Ann Arbor has an Andrew Hughes; now if Ypsilanti will only bring forth an Andrew Hughes thiscounty will have an Andrewin all the hues. - Courier. "But she cawn't do it, you know!" J. B. Richardson, Athens, Mass., incloses his subscription for another year, and says: "For the dollar paid for the Argus we get more than value received." Mr. Richardson is "a gentleman and a scholar," and rightly estimates the value of the Argus. Col. John Atkinson, who has, ws believe, been a republican most of the time during the past few years, addressed an Ann Arbor audience Friday evening. The colonel's principal argument is his oratory, which passes for logic by some who do not stop to investígate. Torn Cowan was "haltered" by an officerand brought before Justice Pond, last Thursday, charged with allowing a stallion to run at large. Tom pleaded justifïcation on the round that campaign speakers were allowed to go about, unrestrained. Fíe will have a trial tomorrow. A dog on which some person had committed "great bodily harm less than murder" was discovered Saturday morning by a member of the ïumane society who notified J. J. Goodyear. An officer was sent with a gun and the animal is dead. The marriage of Miss Martha Stierle and Chris Stoll took place it the home of the bride's parents n Saline, Thursday evening, the :eremony being performed by Rev. ederer. A large number of nupial gifts were presented to the :ouple, including some desirable Furniture from the S. S. S. club. The democrats at the city conention, Friday evening, to choose i candidate for justice of the peace :o fill vacancy caused by the resiglation of Justice Bennett, made :hoice of W. B. Voorheis, Eugene esterlin being a good second and ;oming within two of Mr. Voorheis' ote. Dr. Boone, of the Normal, gave i talk on newspapers and magazines, it chapel, the other morning, and he great reliance placed on them. 3e cautioned his hearers not to deiend on them too much, however. The doctor is right. Some of those republican newspapers " lie like Sam Hill." There have been over 300 applications for membership in the Choral unión. This appears to indícate that minstrelsy is on the wane and musical talent is seeking for outlets. Perhaps, however, owing to "democratie hard times" the glass factories are unable to supply orders :or million-dollar diamonds. From certain at - arms at the council meeting Friday night, between City Engineer Key and Mr. Dean, regarding the sewers, the Argus sees such possible dansers in the future as to suggest that the ink bottles in the council room be secured with chains. Hon. A. J. Sawyer renders such excellent service in a bad cause, whenever he takes the stump, that the republican state committee urges him to help out their bankrupt cause this week. No use, Bro. Sawyer. The republican cause is like the Virginia darkey's dog. "lts ears am down, its tongue am cold and its eyes am sot." 'Ivery Oirishman should vote for the dimecrahtic candidate for governor, sorr," remarked a son of the green isle on the street yesterday; "yis sorr, the Oirish should stand tegither." "But," replied the other, "the democratie candidate for governor is not an Irishman." "Yis, begorra, he is. See how he shpells his name - Spincer O'Fisher!" The other fellow "gave in." Prof. Ansbach at Harris hall, Friday evening last week, proved himself a veritable master of the art of hoodooing the senses. The professor is the "slickest" of his tricky profession. We say "tricky" because he claims nothing for his performances except that they are a series of tricks. Under his clever manipulations the most absurd things are made to seem real and the most real things absurd. He pleased a large audience. J. F. Lawrence has removed his office from the opera house block to his new brick building. If you are a democrat, register next Tuesday, if not already on the list. If you are a republican, some other day will do as well. A new bakery firm will fire up a furnace in the Halier building. Fred and Samuel Hensel will cobstitute the engineering force. Burn your autum leaves only between the hours of 6 a. m. and 12 noon; otherwise you will burn your fingers by violating an ordinance. October 24, Rev. J. M. Gelston, at the Presbyterian parsonage, united the lives of Jay E. Moore and Miss Anna E. Rogers, of Ypsilanti. The Humane society notified W. F. Stimson that a horse that would pretend lameness to the extent that his horse did ought to be killed, and Stimson obligingly killed it. An elegant plate glass mirror adorns the boot and shoe store of Jacobs & Almand, so that a customer can see himself in his elegant fit "as ithers see him." In the case of Christiana Dieterle vs. John Dieterle, Attorney John L. Duffy has been appointed by Judge Kinne, 10 appear for the prosecuting attorney in behalf of the minor children. An atteinpt to burglarize the residence of Rev. Fr. Kennedy, of Ypsilanti, last week was frustrated by the hired man who frightened the jurglar and he fled ignominiously, a battle "scared" veteran. The bill of Dr. Owen, of Ypsilanti, presented to the board of supervisors, calis for $500 for expert testimony in the Hand trial. The 3oard glared at it and laid it over until January, the doctor being in the west. At Pebble's corners, in Salem and at the Shankland school house on the Northfield and Salem line, now float new school flags. Commissioner Cavanaugh was present at the hoisting and delivered an address in each place. Next Sabbath being Reformation Sunday there will be special services )efitting the occasion, at the Bethleïem Germán Evangelical church. There will be a Sunday school fesival in the afternoon and a special program in the evening. Under a by-law of the board of regents, a dental student cannot urn himself loose on the public outside of the dental college. Violaion of this rule subjects him to the operation of the "fire bodily." The )rohibition however does not extend o ward caucus dentistry. After his eloquent address at Saline Triday night Mr. Schermerhorn, of riudson, feit his spirits go down as he realized that somewhere between Saline and Ann Arbor he had ost his "grip," containing things a gentlemen does not wear in the day time, a YVabash mileage pass, and some campaign literature. But the editor "got his grip" again next morning. "Old Prince," faithful canine servant in the family of Mrs. N. H. Drake is no more. For twelve or more years Prince acted as night guardián and day sentinel of the iiousehold. But his eyes grew dim, nis hearing left him and Friday he died a scientific death, chloroform being the agent. In his puppyhood Prince was presented to the late N. H. Drake by Jack Loney, the hackman. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz celebrated their tin wedding at their home, corner of Jefrerson and Sixth streets. 'lhe amount of tin ware presented would have bankrupted all of the McKinley campaign tin factories. Guests from various points were present. The occasion was further made memorable by the christening of the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Schuit,. The Argus quotes an item from the Courier speaking well of a democratie candidate. The Courier is very sorry that it can find nothing of a similar nature in the Argus with which to return the compliment. - Courier. Why, bless the Courier's protection heart! the Argus has claimed all along that the republican candidates were as fine a lot oi fellows as were ever born to miss an election. To réstate it here would be causeless reiteration. Rev. Dr. Sunderland's pamphlet, in which he includes among others as Unitarians Daniel Webster and the late poet, J. G. Whittier, having been questioned as to its correctness in regard to those distinguished men, by the pastor of one of the city churches, Dr. Sunderland in Saturday's Times submits the proofs oi his averment, and apparently makes a case. Of this, however, we know not, but have little doubt that if they were alive next Tuesday they would both vote the democratie ticket.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News