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fTIRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, 4.treïif Í01 'n 'tiiowirjk. Klraf Ulasfc CompAQlo Dnll ■ - i_iae:, imanes polieie M Etna of Hartford ,19.h44.ik Franklin of l'hila 3,118,71K,H' Germauin of N. Y 2,7W),72n.(. American of N.Y. 4.0K5,;)t8.0(. Londou Asaurance, Lond'n l,41rJ8MJ Michigan F. & M., Detroit 2S7,I8.(.'O N. Y. Underwriters, N.Y. 2,ó%,679.iXi National, Hartford 1 ,774,606.00 Phenix, NV 3.7ó9.03r.00 iSpci 'a. ;iu-i'i..!, titü x u reurance ol ■ welling, Klaonla. cUun'fiw od imntu hutldinir I r trrn. ot Ihri' ■nul ix . .vnr. Hi!s VKSS DiKE TOKY. J) A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of Tlii EYE, EAK, XOSE and THKOAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Residence, 14 S. State Street. Realdenoe telephoue, No. 128. Office tolephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. v b. nohris Attorney at Law. Does a general lawooUeotionand conveyaucIng business. A moderate share of your oatrinage respectfully oliclted. Office, 1B E Huron Street, upstairs. p K. WILLIAMS, ttor&er at Lax and Pension Claim Attorner, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancinff and Collections. L.OUÏS ROHDE, CoaiandWood LehiRh Valley Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beech and Maple Ulocks, $2.60 a cord. Beecli and Maple, 4 feet, $6.50 a cord Main Office - 36 E. Hnron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Commissioners' Notice. CTATh. OH MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF i Washtjktaw Tiic undersigned hnvine: beonappointed bv the Probate Court fui' Sidt Countv,Comtnissioners tn receive, examine and adjnst all claimi :ind demands ot' nll persons airninst the estáte 01 Hdelaide Anthony, late of said Countv, dcceased, herehv ffive notice thai six mouths from date are al - lowcti, by order of saiil Probate Court, for creditors 10 prese ut thetr claims airainsi the estáte of aaid deceased and thattheywill meet at the olïlce oJ CH". KupTi M. O., iü the villaje of Manchester, in aaid County, on the l'.tth day ot Januarv auü on the I9fcb 'In ol April r-.t'xt, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said das, to receive, examine and adjust Bald clainut. Datcd, Octoberl9, is. -4 CHRTSTÏAN F. KA PP, NAT1ÏANIKL eCHMID, Coinmissioners. Estáte ot Charles E. Lowrey. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ot' Wuthienftw, 8S. At a gession of the Frobt Court lor tlie cnunty of Washtemw, bolden at ! prob'.ite in tbe olty or Ann Arbor, ou Wedntslay. iheV!4tli dnv of Octolwr.ln the year Oflf thou?.n(l ■ iht huniired and ninei'-four. Prese' , J. Wi lard Batibitt. Judffe f Probate. In Ut lustter of theartateof CnnrleeE. Lowrev, ileceRsi'd Ön roadir. ■■■ :!nd filing the petition, duly vcrifled, of Mty T. Lowray, praylng that a certuin in81 rn ment now on tile in this Couit, purpnrtmg to be a dnVy anthrntieafd copy of ibe ast will and testument Of :iii c'eceased and tbc probate ihereof in Ilie stille oi Colorado, muy be admitted to j)robatn in tiiia Courl ndthatadniintotratlon with the willanneieo, of said estáte may be u-runtod to James H. McDonald, or ome other suitable fberèupouitia ordered, tht, the ITth day of November next, ai t.-n u'clock In tbe foreno .u De ssi'i.rti toi the hearing ui Mid )ietiiion, and tbat the devlsees, Iwwtees iU'iheirsat law of said deceasedi mi) all otber penon intereated insaidestaw rw requlred to nppeiir at a scfion of said oouil ■ to be.hiildui at the .róbate oüicu in tne i.i'v Anti A rbor. and show cause, 11 ant 1' v.iiy the pi' ■ ? t' r of the petitiorici ah uil nut be jraul u. And n is furtlieror; aid pctitionet give hotire to thepen"ii8inteetedii aid ate,"fthep?ndency ,-,i raid ,.;■■ ii tiii'l the luanni? thereof. by ,a:-ii ■ . 00 -i tlus ordei to oe puulishcd in tbc UB'i'i A in, re. a ui-wspaper printed .uid In il county threu sueceSHtT previoueto saï'i flav ot bfaiinii. J WIl.l.AKD BABBITT. lAtrueeopy.) Judge of Probate. WilliamG. Dotï, Probate KeniBter. f) V BCSALSS ,, 11A19 WILCOXAVE. _y Detroit. Mich. Kduc&ti yoanc men ADd woma to mtinUlo tbcnslTls ia indcpoaiitnoe, ive rooner und accumulaic Cftlth. Baaloeit, Sborthnd, renmamhlp, Engliib nd MMhulotl llnwln DipartmcDl. Tboroagti Rjitem of couatlng houie otul businm. Bailaeii DnirenltT BuildlDg. Illurted Ctlof (ree. ff. F. JEWELL, Pri.t. F. R. 8PENCEE, ÍK. DETRÜ1T PROPERTY. "We offer good Detroit Improved Reil Estáte in exchangc for well located farms near markets. The growth and progresa of l-i i oit , with the reftumption of business activity, reiider City Keal Estáte an cxceediiijjly profítable investment. It is eertain to im-reiise iu valuo euormously and suon, Letters promptly auswered. T.B.Goodwillie & Co. 10 Lafayette Atc., DETKOIT, MICH. FARMS.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News