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The heading with which this arti cle is introduced has no reference to the blind Milton's immortal description of souls lost and devils condemned, but to a dramatic production with elabórate plot, thrilling incidents, exciting situations and stirring climaxes. It is the oíd capital and labor story in new and fascinating form, and especially adapted to the interpretation of its leading part through the magnificent talent of one of the great popular actors of the day, Mr. Wm. Morris, so long known in the famous Frohman presentations. The connection of Mr. Morris with the leading role insures its success from the start, and affords that reliance, which in these days when cheap actors in "shoddy" plays discredit the profession, a rightly discerning public taste demands as a guarantee against disappointment. Mr. Morris, in the characters of Mr. Prescott in "Men and Women", Lieut. Hawkesworth n "The Girl I Left Behind Me", and Reuben Warner in "The Lost Paradise", will be long memorable o the theater goers of New York, ioston and Chicago, where these plays have enjoyed long and successful runs. "The Lost Paradise" s rated as De Mille's best work. The play involves the story of a wealthy iron manufacturer; a stolen )atent by which the manufacturer las grown rich; a taie of love with a tangled web of conflicting interests- a strike of workmen; delicious dashes of comedy affording delightful reliëfs, etc. The plot is admirably balanced and the transitions so opportune and restful that the audience feels no weariness anywhere during the performance. The parts are admirably cast; and besides Mr. Morris as Reuben Warner, there will be seen Miss Etta Hawkins in her original role of Cinders. This charming little actress makes this part one of the comedy hits of the performance. Miss Francés Gaunt, a very pretty woman, will be seen as Margaret Knowlton, Miss Francés Whitehouse as Polly the picturesque little country girí, and Messrs. Ben Johnson, Hardie Kirkland, Maurice Freeman, W. J Holton, Louis LeBey, Herschei Mayal, Robert Kink, Frank Maguire, Frank Opperman, Charles Gibson, Fred Turner, and Misses Carrie Strong, Umida VVinston, Ruth Russell and Amy Williams. "Lost Paradise" will be presented at the Grand opera house next Thursday evening. I 1 ] gLg


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