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Five Firemen Badly Hurt

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Louisvii.i.E, Ky., Xov. 5.- Fire broke out in the building oooupled by the Louisville branch of the Singer Sewing Machine Manufactmrlng company, at 552 JTourth avenue, aud before the flamas could be extinguished did about $50,000 worth of dauiage. Justas the firemon had the ftra onder control tho ro&r wall of the Slager building feil and five flremen worc eaught undcr it and badly hurt. Two of theiu, Valontine Riehl and James Mannix, may die, Tho injurod uv: Valentina Biehl, capfclan No. - hpok and ladder company, may die; James Mannix, pipeman No. 3 engini- company, may die; John Morton, captain No. 3 cngine company, badly hurt; Monk Cline, plpenian No. : cngine compauy, loft leg crushed and injurcd intornally; Fdwal Riehl, ladder man No. á truck company, cut in top of head and lcft arm. At the time of the fire thero was a largo audienoö present at the Avenue theater, which adjoins the Singer building. Tha tire was discovered by the people on tho stage and the curtain was dropped in the middle of the last act and in less than twenty minutes the liouse was emptied of its occupants and a panio averted. Cline is an old ball player and well known in the south ai; 1 west. Ths ñrc is balluved to be ;f inuendiary origin.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News