Apples. For sale, 200 bushels of good apples, from 50c. to 60c. per bushel. James C. Allen, Notice to Owners of Dogs. People living within the city limits and owning dogs are respectfully referred to the city ordinance, passed Sept. 17, 1894, relative to licensing dogs. I am now prepared to receive such licenses and issue the proper tags and numbers. All dogs not wearing a tag are liable to be killed. W. J. MlLLER, 2t City Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENT. J. T. Jacobs. Chas. H. Allmand. JÜB ! JIUUD Have opened a Shoe Store in which will be found a very complete line of SHOES, Ladies' . Fine Shoes a specialty in all the varied vridths and sizes. By looking over the' stock it will readily. be see that the Children have not been forgotten from the infant up. Babie's shoes as ]ow as twenty-five cents. Particular attention is called to our Fine Line of Men's Wear, and niediuin and cheap goods for men. Ask to see our two dollar Shoe. WASHINGTON BIOCK. Do You Want Uf nrlf A steudy paytng Job with 1 5 largest house in west. ■ w ■ ■ 'M years establlshed. With our facilities we can make a írood salosmaii in two weeks from raw material. Nurscry stock that la warranted to grow. 2-ï beat varietles seed potatoe8 in the wovkl, etc. ]f you want money writo stating agf. L. L. MAY & CO., nur""".7.Vb1on.'8T Pau. "'""■ (Tliis liou-re Is responsable). Nov20,'94
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News