The Farm Home Keading Circle. The Michigan Agricultural College has taken another step forward by inaugurating a college extensión course of reading. This plan aims to furnish a systematic course of reading on subjects relating directly to agriculture and kindred s ïbjects. VVhile the course as planned recommends a progressive line of woik, discussing first the underlying principies of agriculture, and later taking up special departments, yet it is largely elective and so flexible that a person interested in aruy branch of farming may select books pertaining only to his chosen line. For example, the class devoted to live stock aims to give a general knowledge of feeding, breeding and handling of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. and includes also a book on dairying. If, for any reason, the reader does not desire to take all the work in the class devoted to live stock and is especially interested in dairying, he may select only that portion relative to dairy work, and receive proper credit. The course comprises fivs classes, Soils and Crops, Live Stock, Garden and Orchard, Home Making and Political Science. Certificates are given on the completion of the work outlined in each book and class, and on the corapletion of three classes the reader is presented with an appropriate diploma. The examinations are all optional, and any person may read in the course without sending in reports or taking examinations of any kind. This course was but recently established, yet it has readers all ovei the United States and Canada, and the great interest manifested by all those who are now enjoying its opportunities is a good indication ol its value. lts popularity arises from the fact that it is prepared for busy men; it is short, practical and instructive; it offers a scheme of advisory correspondence with the college authorities which makes it possible to become intimately acquainted with the work of the experiment stations. Send a postal card to the Secretary for full information regarding this course. F. B. Mu.MKORi), Sec. F. H. R. C, Agricultural College, Micti Lew is G. Gorton, President of the College. Ripans Tabules prolong ife. Ripans Tabules banish pain.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News