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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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BVaricocele, Emissions, Nervous DebiUty, Seminal Weakness, Qleet, Strïcture, Syphili.s, Unnatural Dlschates, Self Abuse, Kidiiey and Bladder Bteeases Posiuvely Cured by Tiie iew pisliii TíBüií-l ftiiííoi Dlscovery EYou can Deposil the Koiwjf l.i VoKr Ban er wr.'i V-jur l'nstmister to be paid us alter you are UUftcJundor anrttitn üuarantee! Sel Abuse, Excedes and Wnod Pivnsa h-w-, vn-pukuil the ü of thotwanda of youns men nnci middle afjed men. The farm. (lip worfc-thnp, Uw Suuo.. i-lmul, the olflee, the proieaHons- all have its victims. Vou i '■, if .u havo ijtwu :i liicreet, lieware of the future. Muidle ag'dmrn.ioa aregrowimr prematnrel} wiiik aml olil, o t!i ceunllj ;md physically. Consult usbofore too late. NU NAlVlES UiEÜ WÜHOUT WRIITtN CONSENT. Conlideniial. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPIÜLIS CURED. I W. 8. C0W.1N3. W. S. Colllns, of Saginaw. Sp"iks. W. S. CÜLL1N8. i!w. "1 am 29. At 15 Heanwda batl hnbifc wiiich flijM j Kg--v vii t i 1 1 19. I Lhen becanio "ouü oí tito boys1 :inl led ;t J&vTSJWk j T r iy Jife. Exposure prodiicsd ttyphi'i . t nvoiuiie oer y 4 í_ JKI dus and deepoüdent; no ambition; inory :nir; ojm r - iSv J ' .C red. Bonken and hlur; pimplen u '' '; ti:iir !mHR, bone rl fl 5a Y. X7 pains; weuk back; varirocele; dreuiTii umi lossee at w 5 Te W )iihi; weak parts; dppohit, in urine, oto 1 Bvnt m dreda of dollars wilpottt belp, Bnil wua contanaplalin . [ g- f ík Buicide when a friend recommiMufeU Di-h. Kennedy & J yi rs "fÍV Kertcan'e New MftUiod 'lVeatmnt. Thfiiik Ood 1 sdffl ïs'fnX I "íTñ?--M A trietl it. In two monihn I w:,k cured. Thix was bíx JWrz;, rrít' f I 31 n ]"" Z years aKo, and never hmi a return. Was inarried two'f n SJ 1 t ti B 1 i rZJ J yearsatjo and all happy, l'je, tr 0rs. Ítniinedy A 'Hl - ' f % befo je treatm't gaii before b'iviug up hope." aftkh trkatm't I 8. a. tontón. Seminal Weakne, lm poténcy and b. a .tontón. L , Varicocele Cured. S5. fij ƒ' nHiíí "Whon I consnlted ürs. Konneilj & Konna, 1 hm! ■-''Ía fS ST "M9 linie hope. Iwassurp i aewMathodTVeatujj ■Jgf !5?;, u I V . - )7 ment imirovfcd me the h'it wfyk. Bmi3iong OOMoA, I ." J'J B Y n ft.lÊf nerveB beoome stroxig, paiu ■■'!, '.:ür (,tow in ., ï vV "iv Í agailli eyes became hr ;!t . ei. et-! ful in oompanj and - L n JT "Jfeb. strong aeïoally. Having tried msnr Qaackn, I can Áymy. I wipYX ' hoartily recomineiid Dr. Kennndy & Kergan ae reliable Y ffi I t w'lv RnecialiBta. They treated mehononbly afMlafcillinlly." 'ïV7ii'v' d I BEFOBETBKAI'M'T A . . f.11 l'KJÍATM'T. ■ I T. p. FMTOflON. A Nervous Wreek- A Happy Life. T. I'. " ' ON. 9 jf'' V. T. P. Emerson Has a fvirrow Escapa. ysSrSS. 9 ' J 'I live on the farm. Atschool 1 Iftarn .i nn nurly F ' jïïi ï " ' íi) .ibit, which weakened mn phvHK-ntlv. HHxniüty aml f wJ! Wi Si? ISS) mentolly. Family Doctors -;.d 1 was ein int. M1, ,-iT Kfri 83 1 iLTv ' jliLs Monitor," editad by Drs. Ken ■ 4 I. p'an li-ii in i t r B Kin. 1 to my hands. 1 learned H.p I "Aan! nue, Belf 2íiiÍK y ■ K V - , abusé had sapped uiy i I tooit tin A'ew ''fe. v!WiI Mfjhod Tre.utm'nt and WHJ8 i kA. E? ÏÈÏ HvT'ïV was cured of Consumpl imi I inniiy VmV Ív B I ''Mik f Iñí patients, all of whom inreji ' ,. ■ r New 'THkr%fff K 9 jiJlllT-" iíf!IIIrl Method ïreatmeut supplies ;ïor. viui!.' 1 ''n vj-=ev I li R iskvouk tüeaim't. hood." AFTia Tiit-iaiiNT. E ■ PCAnrP i Are yyu a victim? Hare yon lo ( hi'? you rontemplatinii 8 I n t.rLJLri . riageg H:is your lïi. iil buen diauuwi? i; ■ i ■ on :ny wettksess? Oor 'J New Method Treatment will cure you. Whftt it huw ttouu fd i ' ' tk it will do for you I OUHB8 CSrXTk-n-AlNr ' 3E '!I ' IJ O I-A.Y I 16 Years in Detroit. 160,00 i Curcd ISio Risk. Consultatlon Free. No matteriAo hè trwited joo -rite for an honeet opinión Free of charge. Charges reanonable. Books Fit e - " i Uotden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases oí meo. lncloBe postage, l codi. Bealed. ■NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WHIfïtN CONSENT. PRI. VATE No medicine sent C O. D. No nam-' on boxes or envelooes. Everything confldentlal. Qutstion tst and cast of Treatment, FREE. No.!48SHELBYST. DETROIT, tVHCH.


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