Tomorrow's Fight
Chicago, Nov. 6. - Frora all parta of the politieal field the facts that show that a ftreat campaign has about heen closed are In evidence; orators who have been out for weeks doing service for thelr party on the stnmp are hastening home tovote; officials whb wish In have that privilege are doing likewise, and the candidatos have f ollowed snit, or arrived at important party headquarters to be ready to put in tomorrow niglU finding out their fate. As Mttiiley, l' Mafnè, said at New York lasi night the "Empire State ís still the pivotal tate," and the interest in the conteat there Is increased-by the fight that was forced on David Bennett Hill. How The.v Figure st Washington, The eampaign bcing closed, or practically so, at this writing, the leaders are now figuring on the rcsult. Washington is tho headquarters of the two congres■ional cortimittees and there tho figuring is al! on the Fifty-fourth congress. Fuulktier. of the Democratie oonamittee, says the Demócrata will have an ampie majority in tlie house and oannot sec how tlie Republioans eau have any hope of 1taining a majority. On the other hand C'hairman Babcook, of the Repablicari congressional committee, belieyea the Republicans will have WO members in the next house at least, and he thinks they inay il b_'tter than that. Kaulkner bases his l)e lief on the tniprovement in business am Babcook says there is not enojigth in provenient u give the Demócrata any oom fort. Claim of the l'opnlists. Mcanwhile Taubeneck, of the Populis campaign committee, t-lings to the pr iiotlon that his party will hold the ba anee of power in both houses. As to tl senate Taubeneok's belief is indowed b Chairman Manley, of the Republican na. tional committee, In an interview at New York. He says that the Popnlists wi have the balance of power in the senat for two years. He says Tillman's electio to the senate from South Carolina is as su red, Which will give the Populists si votes in that house, while he claims tha after March 4 next the Kepublicans wi have two and the Demócrata fort in that body. Prospect in the Empire State. The tangió of politics at Now York cit is the preat bone of contenfion ainong th wiset acres there. The A. P A. busines has been exploited very fully by th Democratie orators al so, and this f act ha brought out a letter from Father Young of the Paulists churcli at New York, i which he ad vises Roman Catholteg to vol the Democratie ticket, in reply to thi Archbighop Ireland has published a lette taking the opposite ground and giving op posite advice. The ligares on the vote a New York are follows : The Demócrata claiii 60,000 for Hill there, while those oppoee to Hill will f?ive htm no inore than 40,000 and Kepublicans claim the election o: Morton by 50,000, and say he will come to the Harlem with 100.000 majority. City Ticket at New York. The latest estimates are printed by The "World which says that the Demoerats claim Hill's election by 21,825, and the Republicans claim Morton's by 55,025. The Democratie opponents of Tammany are fisuringoua majority against its candidates of 30,000, while the supporters of Tammany insist thntan old-tiine majority for its ticket will be surely cast. As to congressmen nobody is making estimates, but both parties are olaimlng the victory.
Ann Arbor Argus
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