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In Some Western States

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The situation in this city as gathered by Information given out by those who claim to know how the cat will jump loads t tlie belief that the vote here will bc close Both parties claim the city, but tho labor vote this year is more of a puzzle than heretofore. The Populista held a rousing meeting Saturday night, preceded by a parade in which it is estimated 20,000 took part, and at the meeting the great building ocoupied by Tattersall's horse market was packed. As to the stat;, the Republicana are confldent of reclaiming it and the Democrats insist that they will clinch their hold. Telegrama from Denver give the usual conflieting views as to how Colorado will go. Both the Republicans and Populista claim that they will carry the state. Irving Howbert. chairinan of the Republican state committee, says a canrass of the entire state has convinced him that the Republican state ticket will have a plurality of 15,000 to 20,000, and the legislatura and congressional delegation wül go the saine way. On the other hand Chairman Clark, of the Populist committee, saya the Populist state ticket will have ÜO,000 plurality and that the Populist-; will control the legislat ure which will elect a successor to Senator Wolcott, and get the two congressnii'ii. The Kansas oampaign has closed with both tho Republicana and Populista claimIng fche election of their cutiré state ticket. Chairinan Leiand, of the Republican commlttee, claims that Merrill will have 30,(KK) plurality. He asserts that the Republicans wil] elect eighty representativos, so that a Republican United States senator will bc cnoSen to succeed John Martin. Chairinan Breidcnthal, of the Populist committee, saya Lewelling will be elected by 16,000 plurality; that the Populista will elect eighty representativea, thua giviup; the Populista, who control the Benate, a majorlty on joint ballot. The Democrats content themselves with claiming the balance of power in the legislaturc. I tan is a state Iliüt gets a good deal of attention because it la olalmod thal (ha party that currios it will liokl it for years, the belief being based on the claim that tho election will show the politicnl leanings of tho Monnons. The result is oL moro interest because it is also olaimed that it i n vol vos the control of Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Arizona, where the Mormou vote is strong. The battle was fought on tho t.ariff question, both pnrties being alike on silver, and all that can be said is that the light has been hot, and both parties are claiming the viotory. As to Indiana, nothing has been left urdoneby elther party that could tend toward ■UOOees. Ganeral Hurrison's visit to Anderson and other places 011 his journev home from New York sliowed that tlu Republicana are enthusiastlo and very mach alive, white the night meeting of Demócrata at Anderson, addressed by Bynum and others, aftel Harrison had ■poken there in the afternoon, waa a very large and enthusiaètie affair. ïoday the manage of the two parties are engaged in pertecting arrangements feo bring out the vote. The Populists are serone, and iigure not on elwting anybody so much as h big Incrèase in tnelr vote. Indícationg are for a big vote for an off year. Governor McKinley will make the last peeeh of his remarkable campaign at his home, Cantón, O., toníght. As soon as he has votcd he will go to Uolumbus to wait for the return and gct a rest. Pennsylvania Republicana claim aOO.OOO majonty, while the Democrats shv the majority will be considorably lcss than that for Grow in 1898. Georgia Populists claim that they will elect scvcral rcpresentatives in conprcss. The Minnesota result lies bctween the Popnllsts and Repubjicans on governor, with the Populists very hopcful of succes on governor. The Republlcañs, however, will concede nothlng, and claim sevon representatlves Democrats claim two- Hall and Baldwln.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News