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Earthquake Panic In Mexico

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Citv of Mexico, Nov. 5. - The stronges earthquake ahocks ever feit in Mexico lasting over flve minutes, have fo lowed those reported in these dispatche lust week. Many houses and walls feil The Btreets were f uil of fleeing people Many were wounded, and a immber hav died. The eleetric and other lights wen tuit, leaving tlie city in darkness. Al trallie was suspended. The streets wer lilli'd witli screaiiiing, crylng and praying people. The scène was indcscribablc People in the theatrea, whieh were al running at the time, were terribly fright ened, and pantos were averted only by th pólice. At Orin theatre "Juan Tenorio" was be ing given, and in the grave yard scène, th people, naturally superstitie us, saw th statues move and screamed that the ent of the world liad come and fled. People ii trains were the most frighteued of all All U'lephonie connections were inter rupted. The shoeks were feit in the sur rounding towns, but details are not receivet vet.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News