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Fired A Fatal Bullet

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LINCOLN, Nov. O.- Vivian Churchwas killed by a revolver shot fired by a fellow student. Church was 18 years oíd, a stu dent at the college, and came from Fair mount, Hls. He, witli other students, had been throwing water into the room of twi of their fellows. One of those, R. G Schafer, whose home is in Petersburg Iiid., flred through the window in order ti frighten them, expecting the shot to pass hurmlessly into the air; but just thon hig young schoolmate rushed pust. The shot passed through Churoh's body just above the lieart, and the boy died In a few minutes. Schafer, who is 28 years old, and was preparing himself for the jninistry, surrendered to the sheriff immediately after the shooting. At night, however, he was released from custody by the verdict of the coroner's jury, which exonerated hini from any oriminel intent.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News