Sets Aside The Precedent
Washington, Nov. 5.- Secretary Carlisie has written to Commissioner Stump, tnstructing hini to release John J. Howard, Lev i P. Morton's coachman, as one not coming under the prohlbition of the Uien contract labor law. Howard has aeen released, and the incident has ended. [n his letter the secretary says: "The decisions of Secretary Windoin, March lá, 18ÍX) (s. 9919), and Assistent S'.ictnry Spauldlng, April 30, 1891 (s. 11,15), that Immigrante who come here unler oiupluyment 'strictly as domestio or personal servants' cannot be lawfully pernittcd in the country, or permitted to ■emain here uuless they actually come vit li thelr employers, are not approved, and will not hereafter be regardcitl as pre■eilcnts by the immigration officials atached to tliis departnicnt."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News