Washington Irving To Poe
Poe had tltrough life the habit of sending his better tales and poems to distinguished literary men and solicitiug thereby their attention, writes Professor George E. Woodberry in The Oentury in presenting some of Poe's unpublislied correspondence relating to his residence in Philadelphia. He kept the replips and was thus enabled to append to Hirst'e biography of him in the Philaildphia Saturday Museum a long list of encomiunis in addition to such as had been publicly made. The following letter from Washington Irving was written in acknowledgment of"William Wilson, " which had followed the "House of Usher, " as a means of introdnction, and the substance of it, much altered and somewhat garbled, appeared in the list referred to and affords a striking instauce of how Poe dealt with such correspondeuee: Xkwhukg, Nov. 6, 1839. Deak Sin- The magazine you were so kind as to send tik-, being directed to New York, instead of Tarrytowa, clki not reach me foi some timn. Thifl, togethor with an unfortunate habit of proerastmation, must plead mj apology for the tardiness of my reply. I have read your little tale of "William Wüson" with mueh pleasure. It is managed in a highly picturesque style, and the singular and mysteñons inter&st is welljpustamod throughout. I repeat what I have said in regard to a previoufl production, which you did me the favor to send me, that I cannot but think a series of artieles of like style and merit would be extrenicly wöll received by the public. I could add for your private ear that I think the last tale much the lust in regard to style. It is simpler. In your first you have been too anxious to prpsent your picture vividly to the eye, or too distrustful of your effect, and have laid on too much eolorinj;. It is erring on the best side - the side of lnxuriance. That tale might be improved by relieving the style from Bome of the epitheta: There is no danger of destroying its graphic effect, which is powerful. With best wishes for your success, I am, my dear sir, yours reaDectfullr.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News