The Small Things
"I don't think any nation pays more attention to military affairs than Germany, " said a Germán citizen. "Things of seeming little importauce connectec with the army are investigated with the greatest pains. Many years ago the matter of boot heels was taken up. What height of heel was best for the infantry' A commission was appointed. One heel after another was tried, and a record of how far the soldiers could march a day in each was kept. Years piled on years, the commission carrying on the investigation with the care and exactitnde of a chemical aualysis. Constant improvemeuts were made, and the distance au army could march in a day was thereby increased. At length the suggestion of a heel partly made of rubber was put forth. It was tried - instantaneouE success! It was found that a regiment using such heels could march one-third farther a day and with less fatigue fchan when the investigation was begun. A small thing that to begin with, but what an important part the improved heel would
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News