Death Of Editor Walter
London, Nov. 6.- John Walter ts dead. He wae one of the few men who controlled the course of the greatest newspaper in Kurope - the London Times - and wu the principal owner of the property which is probably the most valuable newspaper property in tho world. Thö Walters have always owned a majority of stook of the Times ftlnce John Walter in 1788 published tb flrst number of the paper. The onljr two other men who have any personal ity in the publicatiou of the great iournal are J. C. McDonald, the publisher, and M. de Blowitz, the Paris correspondent. Probably the only blunder the Times ever made, from a newspaper polnt of view, wus believing Pigott when he told his story aboufc Parnell, and tlnit blunder oost it heavüy, both in inoney and prestige. Jolin Walter was bom in London in ISIS. He reeeivod a preparatory ediication at Efcon and was groduatetl with honors at Exetor óoUege, Oxford. In 1843 he was made nutster of arts, and in 1847 was called. to the bar at Lincoln's Inn. Since that yoar he had been a m&mber of almost every parllaiiu?nt elected. He lived in excellent style and entortainöd on a scale of magniflcence (hal was nol exceoded excepl by the duke of Westininstor. His wejilth was estimated in the millions.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News