Death Of Philip A. Hoyne
Chicago, Nov. 8.- Philip A. Hoyne, "Únele Phil," as he was known all over this city, is dead, after a residence of liftv years in this city and "hereabouts." Tliat is to say he did not live here continnouslv, having tried life at Galena, this state, and St. Louis, Mo. lie had lived hore, however, for more than fórty years and since 1835 had beeu i United States commissioner. He was nearly 70 years oíd, having been born at New York Nov. 20, 1824. The illness whioh resulted fatally began but a few days ago. Thnrsday last he appeared to be getting stronger and expressed a hope he would lie able ro retnrn to his desk in tlie Federal building the next inorning. But when Frklay morning caine he had suffored a n-lapsV and was compelled reluctantly to give up the idea of re. urning to work. All day Friday he grew, and the physiclans that evening abandoned hope of saving his life. He oo'utimied to sink rapidly until death carne before the dawn Saturday morning.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News