Match For Three Burglars
Deüveb, Xov. 5. - Mre. James D. Scott, wife of the proprietor of the Capital Turf Exchange, vanquished three bürglara who broke into her house, aftér a desperate flglit ín which sIhí w;is seriously injurcd. One of the men was armed with a revolver, another with n slungshot, and the thirtl with a billy. With thelr weapous they rainod blow after blow (tpon hor head, arms aud body, but she fought so energotically aüd raised such an outcry that they beat ü retréat without taking any of tliü jewelry or othi$r valuables lying ubout. The bal tic Uisted neiarly ten minutos, but Mrs. S-.'otí tliil noc l'aint uniil her asBailants wer gone. An hour elapsedbe fore she revived sufïïoiently to givo an account of the affair. She is a handsome womiiii of I.Y six fo.'t tiill and weighs 200 pounds. Slie was alone in the house reading in bed when the biu'glars assaulted her.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News