Wait For Our Great Fur Sale
Friday and Satnrday Nov. 9 & 10 jáp "- i" - - ■""" P J Sample Fui1 Garinents. P ., r y Mnunfacttirers' Entire Wr y W f Line. f yr 1% WTT Nov' 9 and 10 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FUR GARIMENTS i Friday and Saíurday, This Week, H H OVEIVIBER 5í ANO J A New York Manufacturer's Entire Line will be on sale at The Store at MijÊ'vKrTinWl !vHÍ RIKS Ë-i J&? " - ": . = : jk ■ " .'""■ Fine Alaska Seal in Capes and Coats, Mink Garments of every description, Beaver Capes and Coats in every style, Marten Capes in all lengths, Krimmer Coats, Capes and Muffs, Astrachan Gar_ ments, every style and grade, Electric Seal Garments, plain and fancy trimmed, Wool f eal Capes, every length and style, Coney, Pulled, Sheared and Natural, very cheap, Ladies' Boas and Muffs, Children's Sets. Everything possible to find in Fur Garments will be found at The Store, in Great assci tixent, and at prices one-quarter less than can be had in Detroit or any other town. IF YOU WANT A FUR fiARMFNT m ■ ■ You will do an injustice to yourself if you do not S # 8 # WAIT FOR TH1S SALE. ySAACK &SCHMID, SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.
Ann Arbor Argus
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