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Great FUr Sale Friday and Saturday Nov. 9 & 10 W J ) Sample Fnr GaxmentH. Êr y' sf Wf f Mannfacivzrers' Entire S +'' r CXI # V Nov. ííandlO. A Mammoth Bargain Sale of Fe!! Morchandisi and Staples Here this week, calculated to outdo anything in the history of the county's retailing. It reduces thousands of items to prices never before known. The Store has boasted of many cjreat sales, but the people of this community have never been invited to such a sweeping - all covering - record breaking - genuine money saving event as this. Another Deep Cut of Dress Goods#-__ Enormous as has been our Sales in our Dress Goods Department, the inroad made in our vast parchases is scarceív preceptable while we realize that the season is rapidly passing - only two months more - are left in which every yard of Dress Goods must be sold - 6o busy days we must have in our Dress Goods Department. The knife sinks deeper into every price. It is a ouestion how much we can sell - not of profits. Choice Fabrics bought at half their valué, selling at half their valué, must qo still lower. liipson it Newland, of New Vork, will have on sale at The Store their entire line of Fur Garments, Alaská Seal, Mink, Harten, Our only apologyíor niaking the sweeping reductions Ín Black Astrachan, Wool beal, and all the cheaper turs- vvill be sold at off the regalar retail price. Dress Goods is - we do not want to inake this popular department of Tne Store an exception in ourgreat pusliing-out of goods, staple and - ' desirable every month in the year. These goods are not exempt 150 IMPORTED DRESS ROBES .Ww $1.25,11.50,11.75, 12.00, 82.50 flom the general de- ]i-tio" of p t t.,, sto 5 patterns Highland Plaid Dress Kobes, regular price, $1.20 ; selling at . . . . . 4)e 3 patterns Diagonal Cheviot, fancy figures, regular price, $1.50 ; selling at ....... 4íc ■ . __ V f JL 25 patterns Granite Mixtures, very stylish and new, regular price, $1.25 ; selling at . . . . . 4e Black and White Dress Fabrics in Plaids, Checks, Stripes. Bro25 patterns llluminated Basket Weave Robes, regular price, $1.50 ; selling at ........ 49c cades, Fancies, Etc. We place 50 pieces on our Bargain Counters 35 patterns Seeded Effects, llluminated Fancies, Etc., regular price, $1.75 ; selling at . . . . 4í)c talíe t!iem ght out of our dollar stock, to close at 40c 15 patterns 54-inch French Brocaded Broadcloths, regular price, $2.50 ; selling at ...... 4íc I5 pieces Black Storm Serge, 50 inches wide, will match it 5 patterns Oinbre Striped Silk Embroidered Robes, regular price, $3.00 ; selling at ..... 49c agaiust any THe _,! 8öc Storm Serge in the county. We place on 15 patterns 54-inch Scotch Cheviots, 42-inch Boucle, regular price, $3.50 ; selling at . . . . . 49c sale at " 5c 20 patterns Fancy Chevrons, Moira Finished Serge Silk and Wool Mixture, Etc., worth $1.25 to f3.50 ; selling at . . 49c 10 ]'eces Black Imperial Serge, has sold for $1.00, placed 011 sale for y 'íc (Style, vainas, and regular seiling price correctly stated . 15 pieces Black Imperial Serge, tiie dollar kind, on sale at 75c 40 pieces 46-incli alPwool Imported Black Serge, jou have never . bought for less than 65c, on sale at 39C 10 pieces éö-iach all-wool Imported Storm Serge, has been good PLAi;':l IiYIPOH. iEO DRIESS FABRICS- -- D, t'' rslack berge, 50 niches wide, we have now oji sale. We want every u , , , . , , , . . ' -, .' ... . , lac'y in search of a lovely black material to see thern. We have Hundreds of pieces, tresh, new, plain staple Dress Goods, selling tor present actual valué. ! only 10 pieces left. We are selling at % OO not to be duplicated at $1.50. 15 pieces Finest French Broadcloth, in black and all colors ; all new, value $1.00 ; pushed out at . . 49c w ".. 18 pieces Fine all-wool Empress Cords ; nothing more desirable, $1.00 value, at ...... 49c 1 I W_& I____l_ 11 H Jft f M HÉ f 25 pieees 46-inch wide Serge, made in Germany, S5c value; today selling at .... 4)(. uji %J JMT k? T_r V' J Jnk wL m. fi i I 155 10 pieces Fine Foreign Seeded Effects, all in new desirable shades and all worth $1.00 ; cut to .' . 49c 5 pieces Chevron Stripe Raised Effects, strict $1.00 value ; will be closed at ..... 49c Ladies who come to The Store expecting to pay a dollar a yard 15 pieces 54 inch Cheviots, plain and fancy mixtures, 85c value, at ....... 49e or a 'ílc"í dress when shown these goods, consider a waste of money to pay more. As a matter of fact, we are showing a line of Black : ■ - ■ '. Serges yon will pay a dollar for elsewhere, at 5Oc Plain i Fancy Drs tais Relueed „ 59 Con ïf5bJSI Heleotrope, Cardinal, Scarlet, Cream, Etc, always sold at $1.00 a 44-inch Imported Serges and Henriettas, in all the new shades, yoa have never bought less than 75c, go ont at . . 39C -vard goes with this g'"6"- 49c 12 pieces all-wool Granite Suitings, all new and at half price, at -.... '■$) at% i 50 pieces all-wool Scotch Cheviots, very desirable mixtures, must be closed, 75c values, reduced to . '{) DO YOI WáST Á USáíílf QÍ M ííPPQC 10 pieces Silk and Wool mixtures, taken from our great 4!)c bargains, cut to ' ÍÍ;. „ Wü f Hl 8 PL.HUÍ OÍLA LVULVO 't Do you want a Silk Dress for evening weaH Do you want anything whatever in Silk. Come to The Store now. ALL 50c DRESS GOODS REDUCED TO 331c AND 29c. A DeiHOrÍZatÍOn OÍ PlÍC8S. Nowhere in the country is there such a vast variety and compre50 pieces all-wool Henriettas, 40-inch all-wool Serges, in all the new shades, are Imported Fabrics cannot be bought elsewhere hesive and elegant assortment of new 1894 fall and winter silks, today for less than 50c ; selling at ....... .t . and as a conspquence nowhere are the interests of ladies so wel! .iiii serve(j as at The Store, and nowhere in the State can silk be sold at 35 pieces 42-inch all-wool Scotch Mixtures, 40-inch Plain Cheviots. 40-inch Fine Tricots, 40-inch Costume Cloth, none less XÏhL t „,,h nh ir a t i , than 55c. and many taken from our 75c values, and all put in to close at one price, . .,,. „ P ie, c!f D1k and coloiecl ros de Laudes- the new silk weaves r ' . . .it for 1894 fall, selling at $1.00 5 pieces black Armure antique, another new design in silks, $1 ■ - Black Moire Polka, another new silk effect, is neat and stylish, at $1.00 A K f 1""" Jl M T i m]% f 1 . " 50 pieces figured Taffeta in black and colors, bought at a great S i II #l N ""lf I _ . P1" V loss to manutacturers, the regular f 1.00 value, the syndicatepurchase . ÈJ I V__-l Vi Y 1 Jl 1 V TTI r _ ammB9 maketheprice ? L.TÓc 10 ]iieces Satín Duchess in colors only, the $1 quality, bought at 50 per cent. less than manufacturera cost, selling at 45c No lady can consciently buy a Storm Serge without inspecting our extraordinary stock 25 p!f,ces 24 indl coIoied SuiaIl close fine weaves, strictly 50c ana Dargams. a_-inch 'black Peau de Soie, Natcháng & CaTters goods warranted, have been $1.50, now - $1 OO Our claim to the Lowest Prices is nowhere better exemplified than where these goods 22-inch doublé warp Bnrah, black and colors, seiiing' at,'. :. 49c are foimd. 24-inch doublé warp black Surah, the usaal $1.25 quality, selling at 75c We place on sale 50 pieces 50-inch, soft, line, thick Storm Serge, in blue and black you would unhesitatingly pay 75c or 85c for if , -4"inuh black Gros Gl'ai, the Natchang Silk, warranted, 1 - M ' we asked it. at . . . . . . . . . K J ' -o . l, selling at 75i„ . . _ 24-inch Black Satin Cutters, goods eaaránteed $1.50 value. 20 pieces ;:4-inch Storm Serge, in shades of blue and black ; a great $1.00 value, at . 75C selling at SI OO 25 pieces 56-ineh very finest quality Storm Seree made ; was intended for $1.50 sellers, at x.. ,, 22-incfa Heavy Black Faille, instead of fl.25, the nsual price. oc selling now at 85c Armures Bengalines Moires, black and colored figured Taffetas, We Caíl Especia) Atteijtioi) to These Three Bargains. e e"ageaMes' a" "" hy "f g'"" "" --"Eiaxrinxrcsr e5x_:__._d__:L_í : . 25 pieces John D. Cutter's exquisite effects in evening shade. Plain and fancy stripes, changeable. Wjk P9KS_9_I RSI HP_W9K_Sff__i_BD____l il(l rains' (Ioulle faced Satines, ali of thera new fall designs Wtm ftáSfc Wo I ancl '""factnred to sell at $2.00 to $3.50 a yard, bought at half -■■■■■___5_BBB______MH WËMÊtÊÊIÊÊÊËIËfAÊÊÉÉÊËÉèÊÊÊÊk tlieir value. are in this sale at s I .OO


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